31 October 2022 to 3 November 2022
Clarion hotel Umeå
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Managing CERN data centers with OpenDCIM

2 Nov 2022, 17:10
Clarion hotel Umeå

Clarion hotel Umeå

Storgatan 36, Umeå, Sweden
IT Facilities & Business Continuity IT Facilities and Business Continuity


Jarek Polok (CERN)


In last two years at CERN we have moved from spreadsheets / notes / printouts to an integrated environment allowing followup of the complete lifecycle of data center assets in a coherent and streamlined way and also providing assistance in planning for future hardware installations.
The talk will present current usage of OpenDCIM platform at CERN and outline its integration with other systems: Enterprise Asset Management, Network Database, Power and Environment monitoring, Ticket Management system and CERN Cloud environment. Future development ideas will be presented and (time permitting) a short live demonstration will be shown.

Desired slot length 20
Speaker release Yes
Presentation will be held... in the conference venue


Jarek Polok (CERN)

Presentation materials