5–9 Jun 2023
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington
Europe/London timezone

Overview of safety systems and evacuation study in the FCC tunnel

8 Jun 2023, 11:15
Cromwell 3+4

Cromwell 3+4

Oral presention (by invitation only) Technical Infrastructures Technical Infrastructures


Andre Henriques (CERN)


Within the framework of the FCC feasibility study, additional safety studies were developed to provide a quantitative assessment on the main risks identified during the CDR.
The safety systems initially proposed in the CDR were studied in detail and adjustments were made to the baseline proposals, namely with regards to the smoke and helium extraction, as well as for the size of the safe areas at the bottom of the shafts. The application of a performance-based design approach was adopted. These results would feed into the layout of the underground installations for a more accurate cost & feasibility analysis.
This presentation will provide a general overview of the current baseline regarding the safety systems proposed in the FCC tunnel, which will be presented at the mid-term review. In addition, the authors will present the methodology and results of the most recent evacuation study defining the required size (m2) to be reserved for the safe areas at the bottom of the shafts within the pressurized zones.


Presentation materials