FCC Week 2023

from Monday, June 5, 2023 (8:30 AM) to Friday, June 9, 2023 (1:00 PM)
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Jun 5, 2023
Jun 6, 2023
Jun 7, 2023
Jun 8, 2023
Jun 9, 2023
8:30 AM
Monday plenaries - Ian Shipsey (University of Oxford (GB)) (until 10:25 AM) (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM Welcome address STFC - Mark Thomson   (Orchard Suite)
8:45 AM Introductory remarks - Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:05 AM A CERN Council perspective on the FCC - Eliezer Rabinovici (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))   (Orchard Suite)
9:20 AM Practical information about the conference - Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))   (Orchard Suite)
9:25 AM Key note: Physics perspectives - Gavin Salam (University of Oxford)   (Orchard Suite)
10:25 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:55 AM
Monday plenaries - Philippe CHOMAZ (until 12:30 PM) (Orchard Suite)
10:55 AM FCC Feasibility Study Status - Michael Benedikt (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
11:20 AM Reference implementation scenario and work with the host states - Johannes Gutleber (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
11:55 AM Civil Engineering - Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2) -Dr Angeles Faus-Golfe (IJClab IN2P3 CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 10:00 AM) (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM Layout, optics, parameters - Dr Katsunobu Oide (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
9:00 AM Top-up injection baseline scenario - Yann Dutheil (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:30 AM Beam lifetime due to radiative Bhabha scattering - Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM
FCCIS WP3 - Philippe Lebrun (European Scientific Institute (FR)) (until 10:00 AM) (Cromwell 3+4)
8:30 AM Reference implementation scenario PA31 - Johannes Gutleber (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
9:00 AM Highway access study results - Pierre Boillon Mr Pierre Boillon (Cerema) Patrycja Laidouni (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
9:30 AM Railway access study preliminary results - Mr Charles Barre (EGIS) Mr Tristan Halle (EGIS)   (Cromwell 3+4)
8:30 AM
PE&D - Bill Murray (University of Warwick (GB)) (until 10:00 AM) (Cromwell 1+2)
8:30 AM Precision electroweak - Christoph Paus (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:00 AM QCD & parton showers - Pier Francesco Monni (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:30 AM BSM & physics case - Sophie Alice Renner (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:15 AM
UK session - Richard Charles Farrow (until 1:30 PM) (Kensington Suite)
9:15 AM --- Welcome ---
9:45 AM Brief introduction - Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))   (Kensington Suite)
9:50 AM Welcome & Introduction (STFC and the UK ILO Office) - Richard Charles Farrow   (Kensington Suite)
10:00 AM Introduction to CERN and the FCC Project - Michael Benedikt (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
10:20 AM Civil Engineering requirements and ongoing investigations - Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
10:45 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:05 AM Energy and sustainability issues - Jean-Paul Burnet (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
11:30 AM Radiofrequency (RF) Systems at CERN - Olivier Brunner (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
11:55 AM Procurement Strategy for LHC and a forward outlook for FCC - Anders Unnervik (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
12:20 PM Q&A   (Kensington Suite)
12:30 PM --- Lunch Break ---
10:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2) - Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) (until 12:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
10:30 AM FCC-ee Collimation - Andrey Abramov (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
10:50 AM Technical challenges and required studies for FCC-ee BIDs - Antonio Perillo Marcone (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
11:10 AM Collective effects - Mauro Migliorati   (Orchard Suite)
11:35 AM Electron cloud studies - Luca Sabato (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
10:30 AM
FCCIS WP3 - Friedemann Eder (CERN) (until 12:00 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
10:30 AM Excavation materials management strategy - Luisa Ulrici (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
11:00 AM First results from the environmental aspects analysis - Mr Amael Paillex (Ecotec) Amael Damien Paillex (ECOTEC ENVIRONNEMENT SA)   (Cromwell 3+4)
11:30 AM Evolution of the geophysical and geotechnical investigation locations - Antoine Mayoux (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
10:30 AM
PE&D - Eleni Vryonidou (University of Manchester (GB)) (until 12:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
10:30 AM Higgs physics - Jorge de Blas (Universidad de Granada (ES))   (Cromwell 1+2)
11:00 AM Flavour physics - Jernej F. Kamenik   (Cromwell 1+2)
11:30 AM Latest developments in FCC Analysis - Juraj Smiesko (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
8:30 AM
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2) - Stewart Takashi Boogert (University of London (GB)) (until 10:00 AM) (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM Beam instrumentation for FCC-ee - Thibaut Lefevre (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
8:55 AM Tolerances & BBA strategy - Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Orchard Suite)
9:10 AM Status of the FCC-ee optics tuning studies - Rogelio Tomas Garcia (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:25 AM Optics measurements & BB alignment - Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:45 AM Simulations of IR tuning - Leon Van Riesen-Haupt (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM
FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage) - Friedemann Eder (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) (Kensington Suite)
8:30 AM FCC local communication strategy & progress - Andrea Perez Fernandez (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
8:50 AM Developing a territorial communications strategy - Domitille Arrivet   (Kensington Suite)
9:10 AM Stakeholder engagement strategies - Mr Iacopo Faggiani (TELT)   (Kensington Suite)
9:30 AM RAL discussing local communications strategy - Sophy Palmer (STFC)   (Kensington Suite)
9:50 AM Q&A   (Kensington Suite)
8:30 AM
PE&D - Andrew Pilkington (University Of Manchester) (until 10:00 AM) (Cromwell 1+2)
8:30 AM General Higgs performance overview - Jan Eysermans (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (Cromwell 1+2)
8:45 AM Higgs mass, sigma(ZH) and self-coupling - Louis Portales (CNRS/IN2P3 - LLR, École Polytechnique)   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:00 AM Higgs hadronic couplings and Higgs to invisible - Loukas Gouskos (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:15 AM In-situ determination of acceptances - Patrick Janot (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:37 AM Heavy quark electroweak measurements - Lars Rohrig (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))   (Cromwell 1+2)
8:30 AM
Technology R&D - Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN) (until 10:00 AM) (Cromwell 3+4)
8:30 AM Status of the FCC-ee booster and collider magnet developments - Luke Von Freeden (CERN) Jeremie Bauche (CERN) Carl Jaermyr Eriksson (CERN) farhad saeidi (ILSF/IPM)   (Cromwell 3+4)
9:10 AM The FCC-ee HTS4 project: study of superconducting short straight sections for FCC-ee - m Koratzinos (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))   (Cromwell 3+4)
9:35 AM Brookhaven National Lab magnet capabilities and projects - Kathleen Amm   (Cromwell 3+4)
10:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
FCC-ee injector - Barbara Dalena (CEA-Irfu & Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 12:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
10:30 AM Full-energy booster - Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu)   (Orchard Suite)
10:50 AM Pre-injector baseline and options - Paolo Craievich   (Orchard Suite)
11:10 AM Positron production, capture and acceleration until the damping ring - Dr Iryna Chaikovska (CNRS/IJCLab)   (Orchard Suite)
11:25 AM Design of the FCC-ee positron source target: current status & challenges - Ramiro Francisco Mena Andrade   (Orchard Suite)
11:40 AM Damping ring and transfer lines for the FCC-ee pre-injector complex - Catia Milardi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))   (Orchard Suite)
10:30 AM
FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage) - Matthew Chalmers (CERN) (until 12:00 PM) (Kensington Suite)
10:30 AM Communication challenges for complex projects: the ITER experience - Mr Laban Coblentz (ITER)   (Kensington Suite)
10:50 AM SKA's communications strategy: challenges and perspectives - Mr William Garnier (SKA)   (Kensington Suite)
11:10 AM Reflections on CERN's and ESA's communications strategies (tbc) - Arnaud Marsollier (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
11:30 AM Towards a communications strategy for FCC - Mr Markus Mooslechner   (Kensington Suite)
10:30 AM
Future magnet developments - Mike Lamont (CERN) (until 12:00 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
10:30 AM Future HFM R&D directions - Bernhard Auchmann (PSI/CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
11:00 AM US high-field magnet program - Soren Prestemon   (Cromwell 3+4)
11:30 AM HTS developments - Dr Amalia Ballarino (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
10:30 AM
PE&D - Elizabeth Brost (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) (until 12:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
10:30 AM Detector requirements from B to K* tau tau - Tristan Miralles (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR))   (Cromwell 1+2)
10:45 AM Prospects for b to snunu and requirements on the detector - Matthew William Kenzie (University of Warwick (GB))   (Cromwell 1+2)
11:00 AM Detector requirements from Tau physics - Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, sezione di Pisa)   (Cromwell 1+2)
11:15 AM Detector requirements from BSM: long-lived signatures - Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))   (Cromwell 1+2)
11:37 AM Detector requirements from BSM: prompt signatures - Nicolo Valle (INFN Sezione di Pavia (IT))   (Cromwell 1+2)
8:30 AM
FCC-ee injector - Heung-Sik Kang 흥식 강 (until 10:00 AM) (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM Linac beam dynamics - Simona Bettoni (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Orchard Suite)
8:50 AM Layout and design of positron and electron linacs up to 20 GeV - Alexej Grudiev (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:10 AM SPS pre-booster option - Hannes Bartosik (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:30 AM Siting and transfer lines - Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED -Dr Angeles Faus-Golfe (IJClab IN2P3 CNRS-Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 10:00 AM) (Cromwell 1+2)
8:30 AM Depolarizer for the FCC-ee - Ivan Koop (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))   (Cromwell 1+2)
8:52 AM The challenges of collision-energy calibration above the Z pole - Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:14 AM Monochromatisation optics for FCC-ee lattices - Zhandong Zhang (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Cromwell 1+2)
9:36 AM The roadmap to the final report - Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
8:30 AM
Technical Infrastructures - Klaus Hanke (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) (Cromwell 3+4)
8:30 AM Update of the power demand and energy consumption, gird connection - Jean-Paul Burnet (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
8:48 AM RTE preliminary study for grid connection - Mr Jean-François Billerot (RTE France)   (Cromwell 3+4)
9:06 AM Electrical distribution concept and layout - Charline Marcel (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
9:24 AM DC Networks for the Powering of the FCC-ee and FCC-hh - Manuel Colmenero Moratalla (Valencia Polytechnic University (ES))   (Cromwell 3+4)
9:42 AM Powering of magnet concept and requirements - Byamba Wicki (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
8:30 AM
Technology R&D -Dr Oleg Malyshev (UKRI/STFC Daresbury Laboratory) (until 10:00 AM) (Kensington Suite)
8:30 AM Common RF system for the ZH option + RF frequ. consideration - Alice Lucie Vanel (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
8:48 AM 1-cell and 2-cell 400 MHz cavity RF designs for FCC_ee - Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
9:06 AM Alternative 800 MHz cavity RF design for FCC_ee - Mr Sosoho-Abasi Udongwo (UROS)   (Kensington Suite)
9:24 AM Engineering developments toward seamless substrates - Thomas Demaziere Joanna Sylwia Swieszek   (Kensington Suite)
9:42 AM Nb coatings, from 1.3GHz to 400MHz - Carlota Pereira Carlos (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Kensington Suite)
10:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
FCC-hh accelerator - Vladimir Shiltsev (until 12:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
10:30 AM FCC-hh ring: overview of the new layout - Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
10:55 AM New FCC-hh ring layout: arc and insertion optics - Gustavo Perez Segurana (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
11:15 AM Collimation in FCC-hh - Dr Roderik Bruce (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
11:35 AM Transfer lines for injection from LHC or scSPS, and comparison of injector options - Wolfgang Bartmann (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
10:30 AM
PE&D - Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE)) (until 12:04 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
10:30 AM Introduction to detectors - Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK)) Felix Sefkow (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Cromwell 1+2)
10:35 AM Calorimetry R&D for FCC-ee and FCC-hh - Gabriella Gaudio (INFN-Pavia)   (Cromwell 1+2)
10:57 AM Si tracking and vertexing R&D for FCC - Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (University of Oxford (GB))   (Cromwell 1+2)
11:19 AM Particle ID and Photodetector R&D for FCC - Roger Forty (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
11:41 AM Gaseous detector R&D for FCC - Dr Maksym Titov (IRFU, CEA Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Cromwell 1+2)
10:30 AM
Technical Infrastructures - Christian Prasse (until 12:00 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
10:30 AM Update of transport concept for personnel and material - Roberto Rinaldesi (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
10:45 AM Update on material logistic concept - Benedikt Oliver Müller   (Cromwell 3+4)
11:00 AM Radiation protection studies for the FCC-ee - Giacomo Lavezzari (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
11:15 AM Overview of safety systems and evacuation study in the FCC tunnel - Andre Henriques (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
11:30 AM Geodesy and survey update - Benjamin Weyer (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
10:30 AM
Technology R&D - Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano (until 12:00 PM) (Kensington Suite)
10:30 AM WOW cavity progress and status - Fabian Manke (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
10:48 AM SWELL progress and status - Franck Peauger (CERN) Marc Timmins (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
11:06 AM Final SWELL mock-up cooling test results - Dr Torsten Koettig (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
11:24 AM The FCC-ee SRF system, machine layouts and cryomodules - Vittorio Parma (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
11:42 AM New SRF Facility at CERN - David Smekens (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
8:30 AM
Friday summaries - Sergey Belomestnykh (until 10:10 AM) (Orchard Suite)
8:30 AM Civil Engineering summary - Timothy Paul Watson (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
8:45 AM Technical Infrastructure summary - Klaus Hanke (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:00 AM FCC-ee summary - Frank Zimmermann (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
9:25 AM Poster prize winner's presentation   (Orchard Suite)
9:30 AM FCC-ee injector summary - Paolo Craievich   (Orchard Suite)
9:45 AM FCC-hh & magnet summary - Vladimir Shiltsev   (Orchard Suite)
10:00 AM FCC-eh summary - Yannis Papaphilippou (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
10:10 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:40 AM
Friday summaries -Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (University of Oxford (GB)) (until 12:10 PM) (Orchard Suite)
10:40 AM MDI summary - Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Orchard Suite)
10:55 AM EPOL Summary - Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
11:10 AM PED summary - Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford (GB))   (Orchard Suite)
11:40 AM Closing remarks - Michael Benedikt (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
12:30 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Monday plenaries - Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH)) (until 3:30 PM) (Orchard Suite)
2:00 PM FCC Accelerator - Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Orchard Suite)
3:00 PM Technical infrastructure - Klaus Hanke (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
3:30 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Monday plenaries - Sarah Eno (University of Maryland (US)) (until 5:30 PM) (Orchard Suite)
4:00 PM Physics case - Matthew Philip Mccullough (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
4:20 PM Theoretical calculation strategy - Janusz Gluza (University of Silesia (PL))   (Orchard Suite)
4:40 PM Detector requirements from physics - Michele Selvaggi (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
6:00 PM --- Welcome reception ---
12:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
12:00 PM
Scientific Advisory Committee (closed session) - Andy Parker (University of Cambridge (GB)) (until 1:30 PM) (Bromton room )
1:30 PM
FCCIS WP4 - Riccardo Crescenzi (until 3:05 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
1:30 PM The impact potentials of FCC on the global and regional job markets - Gerhard Streicher (WIFO)   (Cromwell 3+4)
1:55 PM The value estimation of a collaborative platform in a global project - Irene Del Rosario Crespo Garrido (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   (Cromwell 3+4)
2:20 PM The value estimation of an open scientific data and documentation platform in a global project - Irene Del Rosario Crespo Garrido (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   (Cromwell 3+4)
2:45 PM Funding options and integration of the FCC ee construction and operation in CERN’s financial plan - Dr Florian Sonnemann (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
1:30 PM
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED - John Seeman (until 3:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
1:30 PM MDI Overview - Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Orchard Suite)
1:45 PM Mechanical integration of the IDEA detector in the FCC-ee interaction region - Fabrizio Palla (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))   (Orchard Suite)
2:05 PM Progress on the IDEA vertex detector implementation in key4hep full simulation - Armin Ilg (University of Zurich)   (Orchard Suite)
2:25 PM Mechanical model of the MDI - Francesco Fransesini   (Orchard Suite)
2:45 PM Towards mechanics and optics evaluation of the vibrations effects for the FCC-ee MDI - Laurent Brunetti (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Orchard Suite)
1:30 PM
Technical Infrastructures - Frank Gerigk (CERN) (until 3:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
1:30 PM General Lay-out, integration update RF systems - Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG))   (Cromwell 1+2)
1:48 PM FCC cryogenics status, layout, and implementation studies - Boyan-Kaloyanov Naydenov Popov (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:06 PM Powering of RF systems – Power converters and infrastructure - Davide Aguglia (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:24 PM Cooling & ventilation for RF systems, surface and klystron galleries - Inigo Martin Melero (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:42 PM RF string or continous cryomodule, impact on infrastructure and recory time - Vittorio Parma (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:00 PM
International Steering Committee - Fabiola Gianotti (CERN) (until 4:00 PM) (Cromwell 6)
3:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
3:30 PM
FCCIS WP4 -Prof. Maria Loureiro (University of Santiago de Compostela) (until 5:00 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
3:30 PM Results of the regional impact pathways in relation to high-tech procurement activities - Gabriele Piazza   (Cromwell 3+4)
4:00 PM The public good value of FCC - Francesco Giffoni   (Cromwell 3+4)
4:30 PM Overview of the FCC socio-economic impacts - Johannes Gutleber (CERN) Dr Emanuela Sirtori (CSIL)   (Cromwell 3+4)
3:30 PM
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED - Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) (until 5:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
3:30 PM SuperKEKB MDI lessons - Hiroyuki NAKAYAMA   (Orchard Suite)
3:50 PM Beam Losses in the MDI - Giacomo Broggi (Sapienza Università di Roma e INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Orchard Suite)
4:05 PM Synchrotron radiation background studies - Kevin Daniel Joel Andre (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
4:25 PM Detector background simulations - Andrea Ciarma (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Orchard Suite)
4:45 PM Beamstrahlung dump and radiation levels in the experiment IRs - Alessandro Frasca (University of Liverpool (GB)) Dr Giuseppe Lerner (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
3:30 PM
Technical Infrastructures - Klaus Hanke (CERN) (until 5:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
3:30 PM Integration update tunnel and arcs, caverns, service caverns, etc. - Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG))   (Cromwell 1+2)
3:52 PM Alcoves requirement and integration, cabling concept - Charline Marcel (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
4:15 PM General layout and update of cooling and ventilation systems for arcs - Guillermo Peon (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
4:37 PM Heat recovery perspectives - Guillermo Peon (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
5:30 PM
International Collaboration Board - Philippe CHOMAZ (until 7:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
12:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
1:30 PM
Civil Engineering - John Andrew Osborne (CERN) (until 3:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
1:30 PM FCC underground civil engineering update - Ms Liliana Florez (ILF) Liam Bromiley (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:00 PM Preliminary layouts and designs for two of the FCC surface sites - Brian Rubik (FNAL) Damian Dockery (FNAL) Andrew Federowicz (FNAL)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:30 PM FCC subsurface investigations into areas of geological uncertainty - Ms Lucy Rew (EGIS) Roddy Cunningham (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
1:30 PM
FCCIS WP5 (Leverage & Engage) (until 3:00 PM) (Cromwell 6)
1:30 PM Scientific writing part 1 - Katherine Arundell (Springer Nature)   (Cromwell 6)
1:50 PM Scientific writing part 2 - John Hammersley   (Cromwell 6)
2:10 PM Round table discussion   (Cromwell 6)
1:30 PM
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED - Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN) (until 3:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
1:30 PM Introduction to EPOL WG and overview - Jacqueline Keintzel (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
1:34 PM Compton polarimeter - Aurelien Martens (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Orchard Suite)
1:55 PM Polarisation studies - Yi Wu (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
2:16 PM Spin based beam energy measurements - Bastian Haerer Edmund Blomley   (Orchard Suite)
2:37 PM Center-of-mass energy shifts - Alain Blondel (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
1:30 PM
Joint FCC-ee Accelerator and PED - Kathleen Amm (until 3:00 PM) (Kensington Suite)
1:30 PM SC IR magnets system - Brett Parker (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Kensington Suite)
1:50 PM Magnet design for beamstrahlung photons extraction line - Carl Jaermyr Eriksson (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
2:10 PM Preliminary design study of interaction region crab sextupole for FCC-ee collider - Dr Arnaud Pascal Foussat (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
2:30 PM Alignment systems propositions to face the FCC-ee MDI challenges - Mr Leonard Watrelot (CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (FR))   (Kensington Suite)
2:45 PM Challenges for the IR BPMs - Manfred Wendt (CERN)   (Kensington Suite)
1:30 PM
Technology R&D - Ursula Helga Van Rienen (until 3:00 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
1:30 PM The SRF system options for FCC-ee - Franck Peauger (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
1:35 PM SRF perspectives in UK - Dr Oleg Malyshev (UKRI/STFC Daresbury Laboratory)   (Cromwell 3+4)
1:53 PM SRF studies at JLAB - Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano   (Cromwell 3+4)
2:11 PM Review of cavities developments towards FCC - Akira Miyazaki (Uppsala University (SE))   (Cromwell 3+4)
2:29 PM R&D towards an 800 MHz cryomodule - Sam Posen   (Cromwell 3+4)
3:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
3:30 PM
UK session -Prof. Dave Newbold (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB)) (until 5:15 PM) (Orchard Suite)
3:30 PM Square Kilometre Array Observatory - Prof. Anna Scaife (University of Manchester)   (Orchard Suite)
4:00 PM EPAC at RAL - Dr Dan Symes (STFC)   (Orchard Suite)
4:30 PM Riverlane - Dr Marco Ghibaudi (Riverlane)   (Orchard Suite)
5:00 PM
Governance (closed session) (until 7:00 PM) (Cromwell 6)
7:30 PM --- Reception ---
8:15 PM --- Conference dinner ---
12:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
1:30 PM
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2) -Dr Tatiana Pieloni (EPFL) (until 3:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
1:30 PM Code development status - Leon Van Riesen-Haupt (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
1:50 PM Accelerating Beam Dynamic Simulations - Davide Di Croce (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
1:55 PM Beam-beam code progress - Peter Kicsiny (EPFL)   (Orchard Suite)
2:15 PM Review of MAD-X for FCC-ee studies - Guillaume Simon (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Orchard Suite)
2:30 PM Electron cloud studies for the FCC-ee - Fatih Yaman (Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE))   (Orchard Suite)
2:45 PM VACI-suite status and examples - Ali Rajabi   (Orchard Suite)
1:30 PM
FCC-eh accelerator - Oliver Bruning (CERN) (until 3:00 PM) (Kensington Suite)
1:30 PM FCC-eh and LHeC: Project overview and developments on ERL and sustainable technology - Jorgen D'Hondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))   (Kensington Suite)
2:00 PM PERLE: Status and prospects for high power ERL - Walid KAABI   (Kensington Suite)
2:15 PM Design and optimisation of the ep (and possibility joint ep/pp) Interaction Region - Tiziana Von Witzleben (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Kensington Suite)
2:30 PM Physics and design of the eh detector   (Kensington Suite)
2:45 PM EIC and FCC synergies - Maria Chamizo Llatas (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Kensington Suite)
1:30 PM
PE&D - Marc-Andre Pleier (BNL) (until 3:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
1:30 PM Status of software for detector studies - Brieuc Francois (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
1:55 PM IDEA vertex detector in Key4hep - Armin Ilg (University of Zurich)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:10 PM RICH full sim implementation in Key4hep - Alvaro Tolosa Delgado (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:30 PM IDEA Dual readout calorimeter in Key4hep - Sang Hyun Ko (Seoul National University (KR))   (Cromwell 1+2)
2:45 PM FCC-ee TileCal simulation and reconstruction - Michaela Mlynarikova (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
1:30 PM
Scientific Advisory Committee (closed session) - Andy Parker (University of Cambridge (GB)) (until 5:00 PM) (Cromwell 6)
1:30 PM
Technology R&D -Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV)) (until 3:00 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
1:30 PM Arc half-cell configuration and mock-up - Federico Carra (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
1:50 PM Update on vacuum technologies R&D - Sam Rorison (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
2:10 PM X-ray beam profile monitor - Mirko Siano (Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Cromwell 3+4)
2:25 PM Investigating next generation of accelerators : the KITTEN test facility for sustainable research infrastructures - Prof. Giovanni De Carne (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   (Cromwell 3+4)
2:45 PM Digital twins: current activities in Mechanical and Materials Engineering group at CERN and perspectives for FCC-ee - Lucie Baudin (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
3:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
3:30 PM
Early Career Researchers - Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB)) (until 5:00 PM) (Kensington Suite)
3:30 PM
FCC-ee accelerator (FCCIS WP2) -Prof. Mark James Boland (University of Saskatchewan (CA)) (until 5:00 PM) (Orchard Suite)
3:30 PM Alternative HFD/DFD optics - Dr Pantaleo Raimondi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Orchard Suite)
4:00 PM Dynamic aperture and momentum acceptance for alternative optics - Michael Hofer (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
4:20 PM Combined function lattice with constant partition numbers for FCC-ee - Cristobal Garcia (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Orchard Suite)
4:40 PM Synchrotron radiation background for an alternative FCC-ee optics - Kevin Daniel Joel Andre (CERN)   (Orchard Suite)
3:30 PM
PE&D - Paolo Giacomelli (INFN Sezione di Bologna) (until 5:00 PM) (Cromwell 1+2)
3:30 PM Tracking system requirements ALICE-3 versus FCC-ee - Didier Claude Contardo (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Cromwell 1+2)
4:00 PM Si detector development for ALICE ITS3 and ALICE 3 - Magnus Mager (CERN)   (Cromwell 1+2)
4:30 PM Detector activities and plans in the US - Srini Rajagopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Cromwell 1+2)
3:30 PM
Technology R&D - m Koratzinos (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH)) (until 5:00 PM) (Cromwell 3+4)
3:30 PM The FCC-ee alignment: questions, answers and challenges - Leonard Watrelot (CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (FR))   (Cromwell 3+4)
3:50 PM The availability challenge: targets, shortfalls and game-changing opportunities - John W. Heron (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
4:10 PM Robotics for accelerator maintenance - Dr Mario Di Castro (CERN)   (Cromwell 3+4)
5:00 PM
Poster session and Wine & cheese (until 6:30 PM) (Santosa Suite)
5:00 PM Wakefields of the FCC-ee collimation system - Dr Mostafa Behtouei (INFN-LNF)   (Santosa Suite)
5:01 PM Recent developments in surface conditioning measurements and vacuum simulations - Peter Lindquist Henriksen (CERN)   (Santosa Suite)
5:02 PM Study status on CEPC MDI IR design - Haoyu Shi   (Santosa Suite)
5:03 PM Code development with real lattice and its initial application - Zhiyuan Li   (Santosa Suite)
5:04 PM Precision studies at FCC-hh with diboson production. - Alejo Nahuel Rossia (University of Manchester)   (Santosa Suite)
5:05 PM FCC as a Tera-Z-plus flavor factory - LINGFENG LI (Brown U.)   (Santosa Suite)
5:06 PM Preliminary study of the passive machine protection for CEPC - 王欲听 wangyuting (IHEP, CAS)   (Santosa Suite)
5:07 PM Modeling beam-beam effects for the FCC-ee with Xsuite - Peter Kicsiny (EPFL)   (Santosa Suite)
5:08 PM First high power testing of conductive ceramic windows for the SRF cavity couplers - Alexei Kanareykin (Euclid Techlabs LLC)   (Santosa Suite)
5:09 PM Active learning for DA simulations - Davide Di Croce (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Santosa Suite)
5:10 PM Higgs studies at the FCC-ee - Francisco Gameiro Casalinho   (Santosa Suite)
5:11 PM The CEPC radiation protection issues - Dr Guangyi Tang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)   (Santosa Suite)
5:12 PM Prototype design of an electro-optical diagnostic for longitudinal bunch profile measurements at FCC-ee - Micha Reißig   (Santosa Suite)
5:13 PM A positron source demonstrator for future colliders - Paolo Craievich   (Santosa Suite)
5:14 PM Ferroelectric Fast Reactive Tuner for SRF Cavities – Material Properties and its Applications - Dr Alexei Kanareykin (Euclid Techlabs LLC)   (Santosa Suite)
5:15 PM Future Circular Collider (FCC) Dual Readout: a step closer to a scalable solution - Paolo Giacomelli (INFN Sezione di Bologna) Prof. Alessandro Gabrielli (Università e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Santosa Suite)
5:16 PM Structural Optimization of Future Circular Collider Interaction Region Support Structure - Francesco Fransesini   (Santosa Suite)
5:17 PM Circulant Matrix Model For Flat Beams: First Steps. - Roxana Soos (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Santosa Suite)
5:18 PM Proposal of an alternative coupling correction scheme at FCC-ee - Andrea Ciarma (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Santosa Suite)
5:19 PM Characterisation of the Beamstrahlung radiation at FCC-ee - Andrea Ciarma (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Santosa Suite)
5:20 PM FCC-ee: Vacuum System Technologies R&D - Mr Sam Rorison (CERN)   (Santosa Suite)
5:21 PM Monochromatization Interaction Region Optics Design for Direct s-channel production at FCC-ee - Zhandong Zhang (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Santosa Suite)
5:22 PM The FCC-ee HTS4 Project - Michael Koratzinos (PSI/CERN) Mrs Vasiliki Batsari (CERN)   (Santosa Suite)
5:23 PM FCC-ee Arc Half-Cell Mock-up Project: Dynamic stability analysis - Ms Audrey Piccini (Junior Fellow) Lucie Baudin (CERN) Federico Carra (CERN)   (Santosa Suite)
5:24 PM Review of MAD-X for FCC-ee studies - Guillaume Simon (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Santosa Suite)
5:25 PM Overview of Kicker Magnets for FCC-ee and equivalent circuit modelling for the beam dump kicker magnet. - Petr Martinek (FCC)   (Santosa Suite)
5:26 PM Design of the FCC-ee Positron Damping Ring and Transfer Line - Mr John Patrick Salvesen (University of Oxford, CERN) Emily Rose Howling (Univ. of Oxford University College (GB)) Darren Zeming Chan (University of Toronto (CA)) Alex Keyken (Royal Holloway University of London)   (Santosa Suite)
5:27 PM Initial Studies on Input signals for FCCee Interaction Point Fast Feedback Systems - Mr John Patrick Salvesen (University of Oxford, CERN)   (Santosa Suite)
7:00 PM
Public event (until 9:00 PM) ()