5–9 Jun 2023
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington
Europe/London timezone

First results from the environmental aspects analysis

6 Jun 2023, 11:00
Cromwell 3+4

Cromwell 3+4

Oral presention (by invitation only) FCCIS WP3


Amael Damien Paillex (ECOTEC ENVIRONNEMENT SA)Mr Amael Paillex (Ecotec)


In the context of the feasibility study of the future FCC, the objectives are:

  • To investigate the current environmental conditions for the temporary use of the soil for drilling boreholes and to investiguate seismic lines.
  • To investigate the current environmental conditions of future surface sites.

All preliminary results will be presented, including stakes for birds, frogs and plants. Remarkable species will be highlighted.


Amael Damien Paillex (ECOTEC ENVIRONNEMENT SA) Mr Amael Paillex (Ecotec)

Presentation materials