Technical Infrastructures: RF Points for FCC-ee
- Frank Gerigk (CERN)
Technical Infrastructures: Integration and Cooling
- Klaus Hanke (CERN)
Technical Infrastructures: Electricity and Energy Management
- Klaus Hanke (CERN)
Technical Infrastructures: Safety, Transport & Survey
- Christian Prasse
Following up the updates on RF section studies, the integration studies focus on a new integration scenario where the Collider RF elements (400MHz and 800 MHz cryogenics modules) will be installed at point H, and Booster RF elements (800 MHz cryogenics modules) will be installed at point L. The integration studies is taking into account boundaries in term of space limitations and design...
Having reached the middle of its 5-year duration, the FCC Feasibility Study is now heading towards its mid-term review, which will take place in Fall’23. The aim of this study is to propose a concrete design for the accelerator, serving as input for the next ESPP Update in 2026/2027. The major layout update of early 2022, which reduced the overall length of the machine as well as its total...
The RF systems of the FCCee are expected to be the primary consumers of power and energy. Moreover, the staged approach, ranging from Z to TTbar, necessitates modifications in the RF production method involving klystrons and solid-state devices, posing challenges for the powering infrastructure.
This presentation will outline the RF powering requirements for each stage, including power...
The FCC RF areas will be a major challenge from a cooling and ventilation point of view, as these points contain the highest concentration of thermal loads in the entire FCC complex. The total thermal load will depend primarily on the efficiency of the klystrons (currently being upgraded) and of the cryogenic systems. The location of the cryogenic systems will also determine the number and...
After collecting updated requirements from the different stakeholders (cooling, HVAC, electrical supply, transport, safety systems, and machine systems), the integration studies evolved into optimizing the space in the underground infrastructures. The 3D integration models, and layout configurations were updated wrt these updated requirements for the FCC into the tunnel and the arcs, the...
The present base line features a 91 km circumference tunnel with eight access points. There will be a number of alcoves distributed around the ring, used to host equipment that needs to be shielded from radiation (e.g. racks, power supplies …) and aimed to deserve a part of FCC tunnel.
In 2022 the known requirements of the systems expected to be installed in the alcoves have been identified...
The FCC-ee will be the largest accelerator ever built and it requires to be connected to the European grid for electricity supply. The power demand is a key parameter to define the grid connection. The identification of the main loads was performed and presented in 2022 as well as the energy consumption depending on the machine configurations. The studies for grid connection were launched...
On demand of the Technical and Infrastructure Working Group for Electricity & Energy Management Work Package, the French Transmission System Operator has led a preliminary study of the FCC connexion for electricity supply. The goal of the pre-study is:
- to define how to connect the FCC to the French grid,
- to evaluate the impact on the electric system and on the other users connected to...
Starting from the baseline presented during the FCC week of 2022 and from the studies for the grid connection, the study of the electrical distribution network has been updated and developed.
The load forecast is being detailed per zone for the most relevant consumers, this allows now to have a better load mapping to assess the electrical needs and the required infrastructure per point and...
With the advent of power electronics in recent years, DC networks have become an interesting solution for the distribution of electrical energy due to their advantages in terms of efficiency, controllability, volume reduction, and integration of energy storage. Considering the particularities of the FCC, DC networks could be used to supply power to specific machine parts.
At a larger scale,...
The focus of this presentation is to address the challenge of evaluating the most effective powering solutions for the FCC-ee and FCC-hh. This involves selecting the optimal circuit configurations for the different magnet types, determining the best location for the power converters, and choosing the energy storage systems. To achieve this, we must consider various factors, such as the capital...
The presentation will provide the status of the design of the vehicles that will be used for the underground transport of personnel and material.
A specific concept vehicle has been developed for the transport and installation of the material, in particular the collider and the booster components; the talk will cover the constraints to be respected, the vehicle characteristics, the most...
After collecting all the requirements from the different users, a preliminary logistic study has been conducted with the purpose of simulating the material flow and the installation operations for the magnets of the collider ring and booster ring in the underground tunnel; the study analysed several scenarios based on different boundary conditions such as the number of shafts available for the...
The radiation protection study for the FCC-ee shall assure the FCC-ee design compatibility with radiation protection objectives and constraints and provides input to the radiological environmental impact study.
In this particular contribution it provides an evaluation of the relevant radiological parameters in the arc section of FCC-ee, covering its entire operational life, including the Z...
Within the framework of the FCC feasibility study, additional safety studies were developed to provide a quantitative assessment on the main risks identified during the CDR.
The safety systems initially proposed in the CDR were studied in detail and adjustments were made to the baseline proposals, namely with regards to the smoke and helium extraction, as well as for the size of the safe...
Building the FCC tunnel, installing and aligning each component and experiment of the machine at the intended location will be a challenging task relying notably on the quality and accuracy of the geodetic infrastructure. A solid geodetic foundation for the planning, construction, alignment and operation of the FCC will be implemented to support the different levels of accuracy required, from...