Monday plenaries: Opening
- Ian Shipsey (University of Oxford (GB))
Monday plenaries
- Philippe CHOMAZ
Monday plenaries
- Lenny Rivkin (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))
Monday plenaries: PED
- Sarah Eno (University of Maryland (US))
Fabiola Gianotti
05/06/2023, 08:45
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Eliezer Rabinovici
(Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
05/06/2023, 09:05
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Guy Wilkinson
(University of Oxford (GB))
05/06/2023, 09:20
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Gavin Salam
(University of Oxford)
05/06/2023, 09:25
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Michael Benedikt
05/06/2023, 10:55
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Johannes Gutleber
05/06/2023, 11:20
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Timothy Paul Watson
05/06/2023, 11:55
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Tor Raubenheimer
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
05/06/2023, 14:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Klaus Hanke
05/06/2023, 15:00
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Matthew Philip Mccullough
05/06/2023, 16:00
Physics, Experiments & Detectors
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Janusz Gluza
(University of Silesia (PL))
05/06/2023, 16:20
Oral presention (by invitation only)
Michele Selvaggi
05/06/2023, 16:40
Oral presention (by invitation only)