FCC-eh accelerator
- Oliver Bruning (CERN)
The Future Circular Collider for electron-hadron collisions (FCC-eh) is a design study, that investigates colliding one of the hadron beams of the FCC with an intense, high energy electron beam.
The e-p collisions for deep inelastic scattering physics (DIS) would take place in one of the FCC interaction regions, concurrently to the on-going p-p collisions in the other interaction points....
The Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode [1] will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime providing electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with per nucleon instantaneous luminosities around 1034 (1033) cm−2s−1. Here we describe the main physics goals of this experiment and current detector design that realises the objective [1,2], and the key developments needed.
[1] LHeC...