The conference will be held at the Congress Centre of the University of Naples Federico II in via Partenope 36 facing the sea.

The conference will last 4 days. The accepted contributions will be divided in 4 items (see Scientific Programme). Each day will end up with a round table, allowing partecipants to easily and informally discuss about the presentations of the day.
On the last day of the conference a visit to the beautiful Vesuvius' crater, led by a specialized tourism company, will be offered and a special lectures session and poster session will take place at the impressive historical seat of Vesuvius Observatory (Osservatorio Vesuviano) build on the Vesuvius' flanc. In this occasion a buffet lunch break will be offered on the terrace of the observatory, enjoing the splendid view on the Gulf of Naples.
A social dinner is also sheduled on Thuesday 20th.