Vienna Central European Seminar 2022

from Thursday 24 November 2022 (08:20) to Friday 25 November 2022 (18:40)
TU Wien (Tu the Sky)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Nov 2022
25 Nov 2022
Organizers (until 09:00) (Tu the Sky)
Organizers (until 09:20) (Tu the Sky)
CKM Unitarity - Hartmut Abele (TU Wien) (until 10:40) (Tu the Sky)
09:20 Challenging the Standard Model in Neutron Decay - Bastian Märkisch (TUM)   (Tu the Sky)
10:00 Neutron Decay Puzzle Pieces - Stefan Baessler   (Tu the Sky)
10:40 --- Coffee ---
CKM Unitarity - Bastian Märkisch (TUM) (until 13:10) (Tu the Sky)
11:10 Radiative Corrections and the CKM Unitarity Puzzle - Misha Gorshteyn (Mainz University)   (Tu the Sky)
11:50 Various outer radiative correction calculations to beta decays - Ferenc Glück (KIT)   (Tu the Sky)
12:30 CKM Unitarity results from Belle and Belle II - Christoph Schwanda   (Tu the Sky)
Organizers (until 09:00) (Tu the Sky)
Neutrino Oscillations - Christoph Schwanda (until 10:20) (Tu the Sky)
09:00 Dark Matter Searches with XENON: Recent Results and Future Prospects - Marc Schumann (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (Tu the Sky)
09:40 COSINUS: Cyogenic NaI detectors for dark matter search - Florian Reindl (Vienna University of Technology (AT))   (Tu the Sky)
10:20 --- Coffee ---
Neutrinos -Prof. Marc Schumann (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) (until 12:10) (Tu the Sky)
10:50 Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter - Susanne Mertens   (Tu the Sky)
11:30 Coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering - Raimund Strauss   (Tu the Sky)
13:10 --- Lunch ---
Fundamental Constants - Florian Reindl (Vienna University of Technology (AT)) (until 16:10) (Tu the Sky)
14:10 Determination of fundamental constants / New SI - Savely Karshenboim (LMU, MPQ, Pulkovo)   (Tu the Sky)
14:50 Penning traps for fundamental physics by the example of PENTATRAP - Sergey Eliseev (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Tu the Sky)
15:30 Discussion round - Hartmut Abele   (Tu the Sky)
16:10 --- Coffee ---
Free fall and coupling of gravitation to QM - Philip Schwartz (Univ. Hannover) (until 18:10) (Tu the Sky)
16:40 Testing General Relativity - status and prospects - Claus Lämmerzahl (ZARM / Univ. Bremen)   (Tu the Sky)
17:20 Testing Gravity and the Dark Sector with Tabletop Metrology - René Sedmik (TU Wien)   (Tu the Sky)
Public Talk - Hansjörg Dittus (Univ. Bremen) (until 19:30) (Tu the Sky)
20:15 --- Speaker's Dinner ---
Poster Session (until 12:40) (Tu the Sky)
12:40 --- Lunch ---
Poster Session (until 14:00) (Tu the Sky)
Neutrino Oscillations - Ferenc Glück (KIT) (until 15:20) (Tu the Sky)
14:00 Exploring quantum sources of gravity: steps towards a quantum Cavendish experimen - Hans Hepach (IQOQI - Austrian Academy of Sciences)   (Tu the Sky)
14:40 Coupling quantum matter to gravity: a systematic post- Newtonian approach - Philip Schwartz (Univ. Hannover)   (Tu the Sky)
15:20 --- Coffee ---
Neutrino Oscillations - Eberhard Widmann (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) (until 17:10) (Tu the Sky)
15:50 The gravitational field of a non-local superposition - Manu Paranjape   (Tu the Sky)
16:30 The cosmological constant and Majorana neutrinos with an emergent Standard Model - Steven Bass (Jagiellonian University (PL))   (Tu the Sky)
Organizers (until 17:30) (Tu the Sky)