Cosmology - Celine Boehm (Sydney U.)
Field Theory & the E-W Standard Model - Gustavo Burdman (USP)
Statistics & Machine Learning for HEP - Harrison Prosper (FSU)
Higgs & Beyond - John Ellis (King's College London & CERN)
Collider Experiments: the LHC & Beyond - Roger Forty (CERN)
Astronomy from the Southern Cone - Andres Jordan (Adolfo Ibanez U.)
Special Lecture on ATLAS New Small Wheels - George Mikenberg (Weizmann Institute)
AstroParticle Physics in Latin America - Miguel Mostafa (Penn State)
Flavour Physics & CP Violation - Matthias Neubert (Mainz Institute of Theoretical Physics (MITP), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Heavy-Ion Physics - Maria Elena Tejeda-Yeomans (U. de Colima, Mexico)
QCD - Giulia Zanderighi (MPP & TUM)
Neutrino Physics - Renata Zukanovich Funchal (USP)
Discussion Sessions:
There will be parallel discussion sessions, lasting about 90 minutes, most afternoons during the School. Students remain in the same discussion group for the duration of the School. The discussion leaders will be:
Nicolás Bernal (New York U., Abu Dhabi)
Giovanna Cottin (Adolfo Ibanez U. & SAPHIR Millenium Institute)
Juan Carlos Helo (La Serena U.)
Roger Hernandez-Pinto (Sinaloa U.)
Patricia Magalhaes (UCM)
Group Projects:
The students will perform group projects in which they study in detail a published experimental data analysis. Each group will prepare a short summary of their findings that will be presented to all participants of the School.
Poster Session:
All students are encouraged to present and discuss their work at a poster session during the first week of the School.