Theory Colloquia

Non-perturbative Amplituhedron Geometries

by Jaroslav Trnka

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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I will discuss some new developments in the context of the Amplituhedron construction for planar N=4 SYM scattering amplitudes. I will define a negative Amplituhedron geometry which provides an all-loop order definition for a certain IR finite quantity, related to the ratio of null polygonal Wilson loops. Then I will show that the Amplituhedron picture suggests an interesting expansion of this quantity in terms of "loops of loops", unrelated to the usual small coupling expansion. In the leading order, I will provide an exact result to all orders in the coupling, and show the relation to the cusp anomalous dimension. Finally, I will discuss a certain interesting deformation of the geometric construction, and then conclude with future directions.

TH colloquia
Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Zoom Recording Operations 2, Irene Valenzuela Agui, Benoit Loyer, Clement Montcharmont, Pier Francesco Monni, AVC support account, Urs Wiedemann, Thomas Nik Bazl Fard, Pascal Pignereau
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