Jun 4 – 7, 2023
Mattli Antoniushaus Morschach
Europe/Zurich timezone


We cordially invite doctoral students and postdocs to attend our summer camp at Mattli Antoniushaus in Morschach. During this camp, 30 selected participants will join our experts to explore ways to motivate and engage students, experiment with activating techniques, as well as digest into self-management and communication topics for teaching and reasearch.

Join us to enjoy this beautiful time together in Morschach mountains! 



  • Christoph Biemann & Sendung mit der Maus
  • Famous Ukrainian musician - Yaroslav Dzgus, giving beautiful life bandura concert


The event is organized by the EPT-hub /Engaging Physics Tutoring/, which is supported by INNOVEDUM fund and Department of Physics and Department of Physics at ETH Zurich.



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