4–7 Jun 2023
Mattli Antoniushaus Morschach
Europe/Zurich timezone

Registration Information

Registration is open till March 31, 2023.

Notification about participation: April 20, 2023

The camp group will consist of maximally 30 participants.

The selection process will be based on motivation letters. 


Registration fees

Registration(until March 31, 2023):  750CHF

Registration fee is based on non-commercial self-compensation costs and includes:

Full board in  single hotel room with bathroom (including breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Camp fee for:

- rent of the lecture halls

- coffee breaks

- two aperos & farewell dinner 

- accomodation for guest lecturers

- concert

- special program with Christoph Biemann



EPT hike (optional):  in Stoos mountains.

Price: +50CHF (costs of cable cars / Halbtax rate).

Payment details will be provided  after the registration is closed. Our admins will contact you later for payment arrangements, you don't have to do anything until then once you have registered.