Heavy nuclear targets are used in neutrino oscillation experiments to boost the statistics of neutrino interactions. The complex nuclear environment contributes to the systematic uncertainty as the inevitable nuclear effects. Inadequate knowledge of the neutrino interaction with the nuclear target along with the imperfect reconstruction of neutrino energy seeds uncertainty in the cross-section. Uncertainty in the cross-section propagates as a systematic uncertainty in the determination of the neutrino oscillation parameters. For precision physics, future neutrino oscillation experiments will require understanding of the neutrino nucleus-interaction and neutrino energy reconstruction with a high level of accuracy. In this work, we aim to quantify the second resonance contributions to the neutrino interaction in Argon for reducing systematic uncertainties in the physics predictions for the DUNE Near Detector (ND). We present the results as the ratio distribution of $\frac{d\sigma}{dQ^{2}}$ for $\Delta(1232)$ resonance and the extended analysis to the second resonance region $P_{11}(1440)$, $D_{13}(1520)$, and $S_{11}(1535)$. This inclusion shows a significant contribution to the total cross-section compared to the case where only the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance is considered.