I will outline the conceptual framework supporting the interpretation of the 40Ar(e,e'p) cross sections--recently measured at Jefferson Lab by the E12-14-012 Collaboration---in terms of the spectral functions describing the energy and momentum distribution of protons in the target nucleus. The key underlying assumptions and their validity in the kinematical setup of the Jefferson Lab...
The J-PARC accelerator, serving the long-baseline neutrino oscillation program in Japan, is engaged in a long-term effort to increase the proton beam power from 500kW to 750kW during T2K data-taking, and ultimately more than 1.3 MW for Hyper-Kamiokande.
The T2K beamline underwent major upgrades in view of the increased beam power, and a successful first run was performed in April...
I would like to present my recent work at the NuFact workshop in Seoul. https://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevC.107.025502
I have developed a single pion production model in neutrino-nucleon interaction:
https://inspirehep.net/literature/1634864 .
Then I used electron scattering data to extract the nucleon form factors:
https://inspirehep.net/literature/1802724 ,
In the...
Neutrino Mass Ordering (NMO) studies explore the unresolved fundamental question of whether the neutrino masses follow a normal ordering (m3>m2>m1) or an inverted ordering (m2>m1>m3). IceCube is an ice-Cherenkov neutrino detector deployed about 1.5 kilometers below the surface of the South Pole. Using DeepCore, a more densely instrumented volume of ice near the bottom of the detector, we study...
The MEG experiment at Paul Scherrer Institut (Zurich – Switzerland) established in 2016 the best current upper limit of $4.2 \times 10^{-13}$ on the branching ratio of the $\mu->e \gamma$ decay. The search for this decay represents an extremely powerful tool to look for possible extensions of the Standard Model since its existence would unambiguously represent a sign of new physics.
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) will be one of three Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors positioned along the axis of the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Program. The detector is anticipated to begin operation later this year. SBND is characterized by superb imaging capabilities and will record over a...
DUNE will be a next-generation experiment aiming to provide precision measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters. It will detect neutrinos generated in the LBNF beamline at Fermilab, using a Near Detector (ND) situated near the beam target where the neutrinos originate and a Far Detector (FD) located 1300 km away in South Dakota. A comparison of the spectra of neutrinos measured at...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose experiment currently under construction in southern China. It consists of a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector, whose main physics goal is to determine the neutrino mass ordering (NMO). While its main sensitivity is from reactor neutrino oscillations in vacuum, atmospheric neutrino oscillations in JUNO, via matter...
The ProtoDUNE-SP detector is a single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber measuring 7.2 × 6.1 × 7.0 $m^3$ in active volume. It is designed as a test bed and full-scale prototype for the elements of the first far detector module of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). Located at the CERN Neutrino Platform, the detector was exposed to a tagged and momentum-analyzed particle...
The MicroBooNE experiment employs an 85-ton active volume liquid argon time projection chamber to detect neutrinos from both the on-axis Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) and off-axis Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam. This work investigates short baseline neutrino oscillations in a 3+1 sterile neutrino model and compares our results to previous anomalies found in experiments such as LSND,...
I will discuss some nuclear effects affecting neutrino-nucleus cross sections at energies of interest for neutrino-oscillation experiments. Pauli blocking, binding energies, effects beyond the impulse approximation, and final state interactions are investigated, with focus on the differences between a quantum mechanical approach and the models and methodology found within Monte Carlo neutrino...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment aiming at measuring CP-violating phase and neutrino mass ordering. The far detector consists of four 17-kt modules based on Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology.
The recently proposed Vertical Drift (VD) concept has been selected as the design of the second module. This...
The MicroBooNE experiment is an 85-ton active volume liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detector situated in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB). Leveraging the unique capabilities of the LArTPC technology to distinguish photons from electron electromagnetic showers, MicroBooNE has achieved the world's most sensitive search for neutrino-induced single-photon...
Beam-intercepting devices face challenges of beam-induced thermal shock and radiation damage effects. Efficient cooling systems are needed to remove heat as beam power increases. Development of novel materials capable of sustaining increased beam power and intensity is crucial for future multi-MW target facilities. In this talk, several promising novel materials will be discussed, including...
The RENO experiment has precisely measured the amplitude and frequency of reactor antineutrino oscillation at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant since Aug. 2011. The 2018 publication reported the measured oscillation parameters based on 2200 days of data. After that, additional 1600 days of data has been acquired with one or two operating reactors, which yields relatively lower antineutrino flux. This...
In this talk we revisit so-called target mass corrections (TMCs) to nuclear structure functions in lepton-nucleus deeply inelastic scattering (DIS), which account for the fact that the masses of nuclei are not guaranteed to be small compared to momentum transfers in DIS. We present several findings, including: (i) that nuclear parton distribution functions can be expressed directly in terms of...
As next-generation accelerator target facilities, for Neutrino Program such as the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) or Muon Program such as Mu2e-II at Fermilab, become increasingly more powerful and intense, high power target systems face key technical challenges. Beam-intercepting devices such as beam windows and secondary particle-production targets are continuously bombarded by...
Current and future accelerator-based neutrino facilities utilizing intense neutrino beams and advanced neutrino detectors are focused on precisely determining neutrino oscillation properties and signals of weakly interacting Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics. These are subtle effects, such as extracting the CP violation phase and disentangling parameter degeneracies between oscillation...
The search for muon-electron conversion processes that violate the conservation of charged lepton flavors has attracted much attention for its superior sensitivity to the discovery and verification of new physical phenomena beyond the Standard Model. Two experiments, COMET and Mu2e, are currently underway in Japan and the United States to search for muon electron conversion processes with...
The near detector of T2K (ND280) is undergoing a major upgrade. A new scintillator tracker, named superFGD, with fine granularity and 3D-reconstruction capabilities has been assembled at JPARC. The new Time Projection Chambers are under development, based on the innovative resistive Micromegas technology and a field cage made of extremely thin composite walls. New scintillator panels with...
25600 3-inch PMTs (SPMTs) were designed in the JUNO detector together with 20012 20-inch PMTs (LPMTs). The SPMT system can enhance the detector’s performances such as calibrating charge nonlinearity of LPMTs and thus improving the energy resolution. Signals of SPMTs are read out by the frontend electronics contained in 200 underwater boxes through 1600 customized multichannel connectors. All...
Neutrino interaction cross sections are a significant source of uncertainty for many experiments dependent on the determination of neutrino properties from the inference of neutrino flavor or energy. To mitigate the effect of these large uncertainties on results from NOvA Experiment, a long-baseline experiment currently operating at Fermilab, the...
In the context of the Phenomenological Type I Seesaw, we investigate the LHC's sensitivity to exclusive, mesonic decay modes of long-lived, light (Dirac and Majorana) heavy neutrinos $N$ when they are produced in the decays of $W^\pm$ bosons. We present a new framework that combines massless QCD to describe $N$'s production up to NLO in QCD via weak bosons with a low-energy effective field...
The transition axial form factor of the nucleon is a probe of nucleon structure and important for accurate prediction of charged current elastic and quasielastic scattering. Using the hydrogen in its hydrocarbon target, the MINERvA experiment has extracted a sample of antineutrino proton elastic scattering events, and directly extracted the form factor in a technique analogous to that used...
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can produce huge numbers of neutrinos into the large rapidity region. New experiments at the LHC, the ongoing FASER\nu and SND@LHC and the proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF) experiments aim to detect such neutrinos, in particular prompt neutrinos which mainly come from charm hadron decays. Prompt neutrinos can be also produced by cosmic ray interactions in...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector scheduled to come online in 2024. The scintillator volume is observed by approximately 17 000 large 20” PMTs and 25 000 small 3” PMTs. The performance of the PMTs is essential to reach the scientific goals, especially for oscillation physics. I will review the system of the large PMTs. Prior to...
A precise modelling of neutrino-nucleus interactions is of fundamental importance to allow current and future accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiments to achieve their ambitious goals. However, as it stands, no neutrino interaction model currently implemented in event generators has been shown to offer a quantitatively satisfactory agreement with many (and in some cases, any) modern...
Why do we remember some scientists while forgetting others who participated in the same scientific work? Moving away from prominent scientists and focusing on the invisible workers can highlight the role of gender, race, and class in scientific knowledge-making. Using Mount Wilson Observatory at the turn of the twentieth century as an example, I point out how scientists in positions of power,...
MINERvA (Main Injector Neutrino ExpeRiment to study $\nu$-A interactions) is a dedicated (anti)neutrino-nucleus experiment in the few GeV energy region which has used the high-intensity NuMI beamline facility at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
The experiment was performed using several nuclear targets, Iron, Carbon, Lead, Water and Hydrocarbon to study the nuclear medium effects in...
Unified theories such as string theory and loop quantum gravity allow the Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) at the Planck Scale ($M_P \sim 10^{19}$ GeV). Using an effective field theory, this effect can be observed at low energies in terms of new interactions with a strength of $\sim 1/M_P$. These new interactions contain operators with LIV coefficients which can be CPT-violating or...
Moderator: Alain Blondel
Mary Bishai (DUNE Spokesperson)
Masato Shiozawa (Hyper-K Spokesperson)
The neutrino tagging technique proposes to instrument a neutrino beam line with silicon trackers to kinematically reconstruct properties of individual beam neutrinos produced in $\pi\to\mu\nu_\mu$, K$\to\mu\nu_\mu$ decays. As a result, the initial neutrino flux is precisely determined and the individual neutrino energy can be reconstructed with a resolution better than 1%. Moreover, based on...
One of the basic foundations of quantum field theory is Lorentz invariance. The spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry at a high energy scale can be studied at low energy extensions like the Standard model in a model-independent way through effective field theory (EFT). The present and future Long-baseline neutrino experiments can give a scope to observe such a Planck-suppressed physics of...
The international GENIE Collaboration maintains and develops an extensive software suite to meet the simulation needs of the broad neutrino community. GENIE develops a universal event generator simulating neutrino interactions from MeV to PeV energy scales, and a global analysis of neutrino scattering data used for model characterization, tuning and uncertainty evaluations. In recent years,...
The NEUT generator has a long, storied history. Originally written to predict neutrino induced backgrounds for the Kamioka Nucleon Decay Experiment (Kamiokande), it is now relied upon by T2K to simulate signal and background interactions for their oscillation and neutrino scattering cross section measurements. Looking to the future, the next-generation Hyper-Kamiokande experiment expects to...
T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment which exploits a neutrino and antineutrino beam at J-PARC, which is produced by a proton beam impinging on a graphite target, a flux of pions and kaons are produced and neutrinos are produced by their disintegration.
A very detailed simulation of the beamline allows to predict the rate and energy of produced neutrinos, but still large uncertainties...
The DeeMe experiment is planned at J-PARC MLF H-Line.The experiment aims to search for the muon to electron conversion in the nuclear field, which is one of the charged lepton flavor violating processes that are forbidden in the Standard Model and expected to be highly sensitive to search for new physics.The DeeMe experiment will be the first search with using muonic carbon atoms.We aim to...
Neutrino oscillation experiments, such as the Tokai to Kamioka (T2K) experiment, are limited by their simulation of accurate neutrino-nucleus interactions. More in-depth theoretical knowledge of neutrino-nucleus interactions are paramount; however, implementing such knowledge in existing event generator frameworks is just as imperative. To evaluate neutrino-nucleus interactions a general...
Neutrinos elastically scattering off atomic electrons is a purely leptonic
process whose cross section can be precisely calculated in the standard
model. A measurement of this process can provide an in-situ constraint
to the absolute neutrino flux in an accelerator-based $\nu_\mu$ beam. NOvA is
a long-baseline neutrino experiment optimized to observe the oscillation
of $\nu_\mu$ to...
The COMET experiment aims to search for the muon-to-electron conversion process with a sensitivity 10,000 times better than the current best result. The muon-to-electron conversion process violates charged lepton flavor conservation, which is strictly forbidden in the Standard Model. Once discovered, the muon-to-electron conversion process will provide definitive evidence of the existence of...
The discovery of new, flavor-dependent neutrino interactions would provide compelling evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. We focus on interactions generated by the anomaly-free, gauged, abelian lepton-number symmetries, specifically $L_e-L_\mu$, $L_e-L_\tau$, and $L_\mu-L_\tau$, that introduce a new matter potential sourced by electrons and neutrons, potentially impacting neutrino...
The muEDM experiment, currently under development at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, aims to probe the muon electric dipole moment (EDM) using the frozen-spin technique within a solenoidal storage ring. This experiment seeks to achieve a muon EDM sensitivity of 6×10-23 e⋅cm, which is three orders of magnitude more precise than the current limit set by the BNL Muon...
As neutrino oscillation physics enters the precision era, the modeling of neutrino-nucleus interactions constitutes an increasingly challenging source of systematic uncertainty for new measurements. To confront such uncertainties, a new generation of detectors is being developed to measure the exclusive final state of neutrino interaction. Precise simulations of the nuclear effects on the...
The neutrino community is at an exciting time where new data with higher precision than ever is challenging the empirically based models which have been developed over the last several decades. Understanding this new data requires state of the art theory, leveraging collaboration between the nuclear physics, electron scattering, and neutrino community. One such state of the art model, the...
The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab is making progress towards its physics goal of measuring the muon anomalous magnetic moment with the unprecedented precision of 140 parts per billion. In April 2021 the collaboration published the first measurement, based on the first year of data taking. The second result is based on the second and third years of data taking combined. In this talk, we...
The main ring synchrotron (MR) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) provides high power and high intensity beams for the neutrino and hadron experiments. We have been upgrading hardware from the summer of 2021 to shorten the repetition period aiming at 1.3 MW user operation for the neutrino experiments by 2028. The upgrades are progressing smoothly, and 760 kW equivalent beams...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is the largest neutrino telescope located deep within the South Pole ice. Currently, an upgrade with denser spaced sensors is being built and one of the goals of the IceCube Upgrade is a precise characterization of the optical properties of the Antarctic ice, which is the source of the largest systematic uncertainty for most IceCube analysis. Calibration...
This talk will present the status of the Bodek-Yang model.
Accurate theory calculations for neutrino-nucleus scattering rates are essential in the interpretation of neutrino experiments, from oscillation measurements to astroparticle physics at neutrino telescopes. In the deep-inelastic (DIS) regime, neutrino structure functions can be reliably evaluated in the framework of perturbative QCD. However, large uncertainties affect these structure...
NEOS is an experiment to search for a sterile neutrino oscillation from a nuclear reactor core at a short baseline. The detector was deployed at a 24-m distance from a 2.8 gigawatt-thermal-power reactor core in the tendon gallery of the Hanbit-5 reactor. NEOS-II has recorded 388 (112) live-days of reactor-on (-off) data including a full reactor operation cycle and the reactor maintenance...
The Forward Physics Facility (FPF) is a proposed program to build an underground cavern with the space and infrastructure to support a suite of far-forward experiments at the Large Hadron Collider during the High Luminosity era (HL-LHC). The Forward Liquid Argon Experiment (FLArE) is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) based experiment designed to detect very high-energy neutrinos...
The Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment was designed to measure the muon's anomalous magnetic moment $a_\mu = (g-2)/2$ to 140 parts per billion. The value of $a_\mu$ is proportional to the difference frequency $\omega_a = \omega_s - \omega_c$ between the muon's cyclotron frequency and spin precession frequency in the uniform magnetic field of the g-2 storage ring. The frequency $\omega_a$ is...
Global analyses of nuclear Parton distribution functions (nPDFs) play a crucial role in making precise predictions for a wide range of processes in lepton-nucleus (lA), proton-nucleus (pA), and heavy ion collisions (AA). In this context, the inclusion of neutrino deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data is particularly important as it enables an improved flavour separation of the parton...
The Short Baseline Near Detector (SBND), a 112 ton liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC), is the near detector of the Short Baseline Neutrino Program at Fermilab. In a LArTPC, ionization electrons from a charged particle track drift along the electric field lines, inducing bipolar signals on the induction planes, and a unipolar signal collected on the collection plane. In this talk, I...
The neutrino sector is currently not well constrained and may be hiding new physics beyond neutrino masses. I will consider a model-independent approach using effective field theory and discuss different ways to probe interactions between neutrinos and quarks using a range of different processes from coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS) and invisible meson decays to lepton...
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), located in the southern part of China, will be the world’s largest liquid scintillator (LS) detector upon completion. Equipped with 20 kton LS, about 17612 20-inch PMTs and 25600 3-inch PMTs in the central detector (CD), JUNO will provide a unique apparatus to probe the mysteries of neutrinos, particularly the neutrino mass ordering puzzle. One...
IceCube DeepCore, a sub-array of the IceCube neutrino observatory, has a high-density configuration and it is sensitive to neutrinos with energies above a few GeV. In this contribution, we present a measurement of the shape of differential cross section as a function of inelasticity for neutrino-nucleon interactions in the energy range from 100 GeV to 1 TeV. The measurement is based on a...
DUNE, the flagship next-generation neutrino experiment in the United States, is designed to decisively measure neutrino CP violation and the mass hierarchy. Its far detector modules utilize Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology, which provides exceptional spatial resolution and the potential to accurately identify final state particles and neutrino events. However, this...
MINERvA is an experiment designed to precisely study neutrino-nucleus interactions in the 1-20 GeV energy range using the NuMI high-intensity neutrino beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. MINERvA has improved our knowledge of neutrino cross sections at low energy, low $Q^2$, and the A-dependence in these interactions. These data are interesting in their own right, and have been...
The upcoming long baseline neutrino experiments have the goal of enhancing proton beam power to a multi-MW scale and utilizing large-scale detectors to address the challenge of limited event statistics. The DUNE experiment at LBNF will test the three neutrino flavor paradigm and directly search for CP violation by studying oscillation signatures in the high intensity $\nu_{\mu}$...
Accurate and fast event reconstruction is central for the design and performance of the ESSnuSB detectors. While precise, the currently proposed likelihood-based method for event reconstruction is computationally expensive. In recent years, machine learning methods have been implemented for reconstruction in several high energy physics experiments, including neutrino experiments, enabling fast...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is a 100-ton scale Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detector positioned in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. The detector is currently under construction and is anticipated to be filled with liquid argon in fall 2023. Located only 110 m from the neutrino production target,...
The standard model of particle physics is far from accounting for mysteries about our universe, --e.g., what is origin of neutrino masses and their hierarchy?-- and it must be extended to a more fundamental description of nature. Such new physics models allow Charged Lepton Flavor Violating (CLFV) reactions which are exactly forbidden in the standard model. Hence search for CLFV is a clue to...
The modeling of resonant neutrino interactions on argon is a critical aspect of the neutrino oscillation and beyond the standard model physics programs being carried out by the DUNE and Short Baseline Neutrino experiments. Resonant interactions are typically studied in events with pions in the final state. The measurement of 𝜂 production provides a powerful new probe of resonant interactions,...
The T2K magnetized near detector (ND280) at J-PARC is undergoing a major upgrade with a new 3D fine-granularity scintillator active targe with 3D imaging capabilities as well as ~3mm spatial resolution and sub-ns time resolution, two novel Time Projection Chambers (TPC), surrounded by a precise scintillator-based Time of Flight detector (ToF) with 200 ps time resolution.
Thanks to such...
The ability of current and next generation accelerator based neutrino oscillation measurements to reach their desired sensitivity and provide new insight into the nature of our Universe, requires a high-level of understanding of the neutrino-nucleus interactions. These include precise estimation of the relevant cross sections and the reconstruction of the incident neutrino energy from the...
T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment which exploits a neutrino and antineutrino beam produced at the Japan Particle Accelerator Research Centre (J-PARC) to provide world-leading measurements of the parameters governing neutrino oscillation. Neutrino oscillations are measured by comparing neutrino rates and spectra at a near detector complex, located at J-PARC, and at the water-Cherenkov...
SND@LHC is a compact and stand-alone experiment to perform measurements with neutrinos produced at the LHC in a hitherto unexplored pseudo-rapidity region of 7.2 < 𝜂 < 8.6, complementary to all the other experiments at the LHC. The experiment is located 480 m downstream of IP1 in the unused TI18 tunnel. The detector is composed of a hybrid system based on a 800 kg target mass of tungsten...
Although the existence of dark matter has been well established by numerous observations, its nature remains unknown. Dark Matter could be detected indirectly through the observation of neutrinos produced in self-annihilations or decays of dark matter. Objects with large dark matter accumulations such as galaxy clusters or the Galactic dark matter halo are primary targets. Searches for such...
Permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of a fundamental particle breaks both parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetries, implying the violation of charge-parity (CP) symmetry, assuming CPT invariance. With the current experimental sensitivities, an observation of a non-zero muon EDM would indicate new CP violating sources from physics beyond the Standard Model. The experiment at the Paul...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment placed in the muon neutrino-dominated NuMI beam based at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA. Utilizing two functionally-identical tracking calorimeters placed 809 km apart, NOvA observes the appearance of electron neutrinos and the disappearance of muon neutrinos. By observing these neutrino oscillations along with their antineutrino...
FASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, at the CERN LHC, is designed to search for new, light, weakly-interacting particles, and investigate high-energy collider neutrino interactions in the TeV regime, extending current cross-section measurements. Located $480$ m downstream from the ATLAS IP, it is aligned with the collision axis line-of-sight, covering a previously unexplored pseudorapidity...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next generation long baseline neutrino experiment for oscillation physics and proton decay studies. The primary physics goals of the DUNE experiment are to perform neutrino oscillation physics studies, search for proton decay, detect supernova burst neutrinos, make solar neutrino measurements and BSM searches. The liquid argon prototype...
The NINJA collaboration aims to study neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of hundreds of MeV to a few GeV using an emulsion-based detector. A series of neutrino-nucleus interaction measurements was conducted using the emulsion detector with water and iron targets in the near detector hall of the T2K experiment at J-PARC. The emulsion detector is suitable for precision...
The exquisite capabilities of liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers make them ideal to search for weakly interacting particles in Beyond the Standard Model scenarios. Given their location at CERN the ProtoDUNE detectors may be exposed to a flux of such particles, produced in the collisions of 400 GeV protons (extracted from the Super Proton Synchrotron accelerator) on a target. Here we point...
Several experimental observations lead to the availability of lepton-flavor violating(LFV) processes, which is also thoroughly examined by the CMS experiment. In this presentation, several recent LFV results from CMS within different sectors are presented.
In this talk, I will present recent results with heavy flavour decays at the LHCb experiment. Future prospects will be highlighted in view of the recent start of Run 3 of the LHC. In particular, I will focus on searches for new physics and tests of lepton flavour universality that are particularly sensitive to the presence of physics beyond the Standard Model.
Precise knowledge of how neutrinos interact with matter is essential for measuring neutrino oscillations in long-baseline experiments. At T2K, the near detector complex measures neutrino interactions to constrain cross-section models for oscillation studies and to characterise the beam flux. The near detector complex provides a platform for performing neutrino-nucleon cross section...
We report a study of time variations of solar Neutrino flux using 5,804 live days of Super-Kamiokande data. The data used in this analysis were obtained from 31 May 1996 to 30 May 2018. The measured exact time of high-yield solar neutrino events for 22 calendar years of accumulated data allows for studying solar neutrino modulations with unprecedented precision. The measured time variation of...
The RENO Collaboration reports a measured value of the smallest neutrino mixing angle ($\theta_{13}$) based on ~2800 days of reactor electron antineutrino events with a delayed signal of neutron capture on hydrogen (H). The neutron captures on H emitting a 2.2 MeV $\gamma$-ray are not easily detected because of high environmental radioactivity below 3.5 MeV, Due to satisfactory purification of...
At Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the COHERENT collaboration has been building a heavy water Cherenkov detector to measure the neutrino flux coming from the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). This detector is a steel cylinder filled with light water with an inner acrylic vessel holding heavy water and twelve PMTs lining the inside of the top lid. It began accumulating statistics in summer...
T2K experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. One of the T2K goals is to obtain evidence of CP-violation in the leptonic sector at 3σ confidence level. To archive this goal, the reduction of systematic errors is needed, and a new plastic scintillator tracker (Super-FGD) will be installed in the near detector in 2023.
However, in the era of Hyper-Kamiokande (HK)...
Linear alkyl benzene (LAB)-based liquid scintillator (LS) has been widely used as the target for neutrino detectors in recent decades due to its environmentally friendly and economic characteristics. The reconstruction of neutrino events is based on the scintillation light emitted from the LS; thus, understanding the LS response helps to understand the reconstructed neutrino event. It has been...
In the current era of precision measurements, one of the prime objectives of various neutrino oscillation experiments is to look for the signals of sub-leading effects in the three flavour neutrino oscillation framework. It is therefore, crucial to distinguish between the different new physics scenarios so that they their origin and implications can be well understood theoretically. As the...
We typically prioritize discrete symmetries when exploring neutrino phenomenology. In this context, we examine neutrino masses and mixing within the linear seesaw framework by utilizing a simple permutation group known as $S_3$ symmetry. To simplify the complexity of vacuum alignments and avoid the need for multiple flavon fields, we incorporate modular symmetries, which prove advantageous....
The experimental observation of the phenomena of neutrino oscillations was the first firm experimental evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). The SM of particle physics needs an extension to explain the neutrino masses and mixing. The models describing beyond SM physics usually comes with some additional unknown couplings of neutrinos termed as Non Standard Interactions (NSIs)....
The theoretical possibility of a small deviation from the fundamental space-time symmetry is referred to as Lorentz invariance violation (LIV). This violation of the Lorentz invariance symmetry implies that laws of physics can vary under Lorentz transformation. LIV is intrinsic in nature and can exist even in a vacuum. The weakly interacting neutrinos can be a probe for better understanding...
The upcoming long-baseline (LBL) neutrino experiments will be sensitive to non-standard interaction effects and can provide information on the unknown oscillation parameter values. We explore the parameter degeneracies that can occur in DUNE, T2HK experiments, and a combination of both due to nonstandard interactions (NSI) arising simultaneously from two different off-diagonal sectors, i.e.,...
The MINERvA experiment at Fermilab uses $\approx$ 3 GeV(LE) and $\approx$ 6 GeV(ME) NuMI neutrino and antineutrinos beams interacting on different nuclear targets (He, C, Fe, Pb, Water and CH) located throughout the detector. Reported here is the ME antineutrino measurement of the inclusive double differential charged current cross section as a function of Bjorken x and four momentum...
Neutrinos can interact with some scalar fields through some unknown couplings referred as scalar non-standard interaction (SNSI). Unlike vector NSI, SNSI parameters do not appear as potential term in neutrino oscillation rather appeared as a correction to neutrino mass term. Significant effects of SNSI parameters on neutrino oscillation can be observed at neutrino long baseline experiments....
With the Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) experiment decommissioned, muon and hadron monitors became an important diagnostic tool for the NuMI Off-axis $v_\mu$ Appearance (NOvA) experiment at Fermilab to monitor the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam. The goal of this study is to maintain the quality of the monitor signals and to establish correlations with the...
The RENO experiment reports the separated reactor antineutrino spectra of 235U and 239Pu from the data sets of 2500 days of near data. As the fission fractions changes as the fuel cycle evolve, the contribution from different fissile isotopes to the measured spectrum can be identified. The separated prompt spectra are unfolded to antielectron neutrino spectra where the detector effect is...
New physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) may appear in the form of unknown couplings, typically termed non-standard neutrino interactions (NSIs) can manifest in neutrino interactions. To explain such a process, NSI offers a general "Effective Field Theory"(EFT)-style framework. While the elements of a given model may differ in weak interactions, they are broadly categorized as charge current...
Heavy nuclear targets are used in neutrino oscillation experiments to boost the statistics of neutrino interactions. The complex nuclear environment contributes to the systematic uncertainty as the inevitable nuclear effects. Inadequate knowledge of the neutrino interaction with the nuclear target along with the imperfect reconstruction of neutrino energy seeds uncertainty in the...
We report a conceptual design of Reactor Experiment for Neutrinos and Exotics (RENE), which primarily aims to search for the sterile neutrino oscillation at $\Delta m_{41}^2 \sim 2 eV^2$.
The joint study of RENO and NEOS experiments showed a hint for the sterile neutrinos at $\Delta m_{41}^2 \sim 2.4 eV^2$ and $\sim 1.7 eV^2$, which overlap with the allowed region by the Reactor...
The generic inverse seesaw (ISS) framework is unable to produce an adequate amount of lepton asymmetry, which consequently fails to generate the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU). This happens due to mainly two reasons, (i) partial cancellation of the lepton asymmetries
among the pseudo-Dirac pairs, and (ii) strong wash out caused by the inverse decays. In this work we offer two...
It is crucial to understand the atmospheric neutrino interaction (ATM-$\nu$) in order to search for the nucleon decay (NDK) in the Super-Kamiokande (SK). In this poster, neutron tagging for ATM-$\nu$ background reduction will be introduced and sensitivity obtained by spectrum analysis for $\pi$ momentum distributions from ATM-$\nu$ background and NDK signal MC will be reported using improved...
The proposed muEDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland is designed to search for a muon EDM with a sensitivity of 6×10^(-23) e⋅cm. It leverages the frozen-spin technique, which cancels the muon's anomalous precession within a compact storage solenoid. This approach considerably enhances the sensitivity of the search compared to the parasitic method using a storage...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND), a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) located at Fermilab, will soon start collecting over a million neutrino events per year. For SBND and other neutrino experiments like DUNE, modeling neutrino-nucleus interactions with heavy nuclei at the few-GeV energy range is a significant challenge. In this range, neutrinos scatter on heavy nuclei...
Bi-alkali photomultiplier tube (PMT) has a maximum quantum efficiency (QE) around 430nm. Fluor components dissolved in liquid scintillator (LS) are needed to have an emission wavelength in the PMT’s QE region. We analyzed digital images for estimating the spectrum of LS, instead of using a spectrophotometer. Digital image was taken by camera based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor...