20–26 Aug 2023
Natural Science Lecture Center (building-28), Seoul National University, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Nuclear Dependence of Antineutrino Deep Inelastic Scattering in two dimensions at MINERvA

23 Aug 2023, 12:30
Natural Science Lecture Center (building-28), Seoul National University, Korea

Natural Science Lecture Center (building-28), Seoul National University, Korea

Natural Science Lecture Center Seoul National University Building-28, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
Poster WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics Poster


Sayeed Akhter (Aligarh Muslim University)


MINERvA (Main Injector Neutrino ExpeRiment to study $\nu$-A interactions) is a dedicated (anti)neutrino-nucleus experiment in the few GeV energy region which has used the high-intensity NuMI beamline facility at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
The experiment was performed using several nuclear targets, Iron, Carbon, Lead, Water and Hydrocarbon to study the nuclear medium effects in the low $(\sim 3 GeV)$ and intermediate $(\sim 6 GeV)$ energy region. The idea is to understand the nuclear medium effects by taking the ratio of cross section like $\frac{\sigma_i}{\sigma_{CH}}$ and $\frac{d\sigma_i}{d\sigma_{CH}}$ where i = C, Fe, Pb, etc. We shall present the current progress on the two dimensional (2D) charge current antineutrino Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) analysis using medium energy $\bar\nu_\mu$ beam. The event selection is based on a set of different selection cuts and the DIS signal is defined as the events which contribute in the kinematical region defined by $Q^2 > 1 GeV^2$ and W $> 2 GeV$. We will discuss the different steps involved in the analysis. This study will give insight to both weak hadron physics and in the understanding of the nuclear medium effects in antineutrino nucleus interaction.


Sayeed Akhter (Aligarh Muslim University)

Presentation materials