parallel (room#301): #1 - WG4
- Yuki Fujii
parallel (room#301): no session
- There are no conveners in this block
parallel (room#301): #3 - WG2
- Christophe Bronner
parallel (room#301): #4 - WG2
- Christophe Bronner
parallel (room#301): #5 - WG2
- Elena Gramellini (University of Manchester)
parallel (room#301): #6 - WG2
- Elena Gramellini (University of Manchester)
The MEG experiment at Paul Scherrer Institut (Zurich โ Switzerland) established in 2016 the best current upper limit of $4.2 \times 10^{-13}$ on the branching ratio of the $\mu->e \gamma$ decay. The search for this decay represents an extremely powerful tool to look for possible extensions of the Standard Model since its existence would unambiguously represent a sign of new physics.
The Mu3e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavour violating decay $\mu \rightarrow e^+ e^- e^+$ and is based at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). It aims to achieve a sensitivity of one in $\mathcal{O}(10^{15})$ moun decays in phase 1 and one in $10^{16}$ muon decays in phase 2, which is four orders of magnitude more sensitive than the previous measurement conducted by the...
The Muon-to-Electron-Conversion (Mu2e) Experiment is a high-precision, intensity-frontier experiment being developed at Fermilab which will search for coherent, neutrino-less muon to electron conversion in the presence of an atomic nucleus. Such a process would exhibit charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV), which has not yet been observed. Continuing the search for CLFV, Mu2e will improve the...
COMET is an experiment at J-PARC, Japan, which will search for neutrinoless conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus ($ฮผ^โ + N \to e^โ + N$); a lepton flavor violating process. Recent progresses in facility and detector development are presented, aiming for the experimental sensitivity of the order of $10^{โ15}$ for Phase-I and $10^{โ17}$ or beyond for Phase-II experiment....
The international GENIE Collaboration maintains and develops an extensive software suite to meet the simulation needs of the broad neutrino community. GENIE develops a universal event generator simulating neutrino interactions from MeV to PeV energy scales, and a global analysis of neutrino scattering data used for model characterization, tuning and uncertainty evaluations. In recent years,...
The NEUT generator has a long, storied history. Originally written to predict neutrino induced backgrounds for the Kamioka Nucleon Decay Experiment (Kamiokande), it is now relied upon by T2K to simulate signal and background interactions for their oscillation and neutrino scattering cross section measurements. Looking to the future, the next-generation Hyper-Kamiokande experiment expects to...
Neutrino oscillation experiments, such as the Tokai to Kamioka (T2K) experiment, are limited by their simulation of accurate neutrino-nucleus interactions. More in-depth theoretical knowledge of neutrino-nucleus interactions are paramount; however, implementing such knowledge in existing event generator frameworks is just as imperative. To evaluate neutrino-nucleus interactions a general...
Simulations of neutrino-nucleus scattering are a critical input to oscillation analyses and various other investigations in high-energy physics. Achieving the physics goals of future experiments will require substantial improvements to the precision of these simulations. In March of this year, a workshop was held at Fermilab that examined several major topics related to future development of...
As neutrino oscillation physics enters the precision era, the modeling of neutrino-nucleus interactions constitutes an increasingly challenging source of systematic uncertainty for new measurements. To confront such uncertainties, a new generation of detectors is being developed to measure the exclusive final state of neutrino interaction. Precise simulations of the nuclear effects on the...
The neutrino community is at an exciting time where new data with higher precision than ever is challenging the empirically based models which have been developed over the last several decades. Understanding this new data requires state of the art theory, leveraging collaboration between the nuclear physics, electron scattering, and neutrino community. One such state of the art model, the...
This talk will present the status of the Bodek-Yang model.
Accurate theory calculations for neutrino-nucleus scattering rates are essential in the interpretation of neutrino experiments, from oscillation measurements to astroparticle physics at neutrino telescopes. In the deep-inelastic (DIS) regime, neutrino structure functions can be reliably evaluated in the framework of perturbative QCD. However, large uncertainties affect these structure...
Global analyses of nuclear Parton distribution functions (nPDFs) play a crucial role in making precise predictions for a wide range of processes in lepton-nucleus (lA), proton-nucleus (pA), and heavy ion collisions (AA). In this context, the inclusion of neutrino deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data is particularly important as it enables an improved flavour separation of the parton...
NOvA is a long-baseline accelerator-based neutrino experiment based in the USA. NOvA uses an intense neutrino beam produced at Fermilabโs accelerator complex to make physics measurements of neutrino oscillations, neutrino cross sections, and much more. For its physics goals, NOvA uses two functionally-identical detectors. The Near Detector (ND) is situated at Fermilab, 1 km from the neutrino...
IceCube DeepCore, a sub-array of the IceCube neutrino observatory, has a high-density configuration and it is sensitive to neutrinos with energies above a few GeV. In this contribution, we present a measurement of the shape of differential cross section as a function of inelasticity for neutrino-nucleon interactions in the energy range from 100 GeV to 1 TeV. The measurement is based on a...
MINERvA is an experiment designed to precisely study neutrino-nucleus interactions in the 1-20 GeV energy range using the NuMI high-intensity neutrino beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. MINERvA has improved our knowledge of neutrino cross sections at low energy, low $Q^2$, and the A-dependence in these interactions. These data are interesting in their own right, and have been...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is a 100-ton scale Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detector positioned in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. The detector is currently under construction and is anticipated to be filled with liquid argon in fall 2023. Located only 110 m from the neutrino production target,...
The MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) experiment operated in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino and Neutrinos at the Main Injector beams from 2015-2021. Among the major physics goals of the experiment is a detailed investigation of neutrino-nucleus interactions. MicroBooNE currently possesses the world's largest neutrino-argon scattering data set, with eight published...
The modeling of resonant neutrino interactions on argon is a critical aspect of the neutrino oscillation and beyond the standard model physics programs being carried out by the DUNE and Short Baseline Neutrino experiments. Resonant interactions are typically studied in events with pions in the final state. The measurement of ๐ production provides a powerful new probe of resonant interactions,...
The ability of current and next generation accelerator based neutrino oscillation measurements to reach their desired sensitivity and provide new insight into the nature of our Universe, requires a high-level of understanding of the neutrino-nucleus interactions. These include precise estimation of the relevant cross sections and the reconstruction of the incident neutrino energy from the...
SND@LHC is a compact and stand-alone experiment to perform measurements with neutrinos produced at the LHC in a hitherto unexplored pseudo-rapidity region of 7.2 < ๐ < 8.6, complementary to all the other experiments at the LHC. The experiment is located 480 m downstream of IP1 in the unused TI18 tunnel. The detector is composed of a hybrid system based on a 800 kg target mass of tungsten...
FASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, at the CERN LHC, is designed to search for new, light, weakly-interacting particles, and investigate high-energy collider neutrino interactions in the TeV regime, extending current cross-section measurements. Located $480$ m downstream from the ATLAS IP, it is aligned with the collision axis line-of-sight, covering a previously unexplored pseudorapidity...
The NINJA collaboration aims to study neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of hundreds of MeV to a few GeV using an emulsion-based detector. A series of neutrino-nucleus interaction measurements was conducted using the emulsion detector with water and iron targets in the near detector hall of the T2K experiment at J-PARC. The emulsion detector is suitable for precision...
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is a Gadolinium-loaded water Cherenkov detector placed in the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA. The primary physics goal of ANNIE is to perform neutrino cross-section measurements that will constrain systematic uncertainties in the next generation of long-baseline neutrino experiments....
COHERENT collaboration at the Spallation Neutrino Source (SNS) at ORNL utilizing intensive low energy neutrino flux to measure various neutrino interactions. Range of interest is from Coherent Elastic Neutrino Scattering (CEvNS) up to nuclear charge current and neutral current interactions of interest for the support of Supernova neutrino detection in large detectors. We will review present...
Precise knowledge of how neutrinos interact with matter is essential for measuring neutrino oscillations in long-baseline experiments. At T2K, the near detector complex measures neutrino interactions to constrain cross-section models for oscillation studies and to characterise the beam flux. The near detector complex provides a platform for performing neutrino-nucleon cross section...