8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Magnetic Moments of Dark Baryons

8 May 2023, 17:45
Lawrence Hall 107

Lawrence Hall 107



Mr Chester Mantel (University of Oregon)


Dark matter could be dark baryons made from underlying vector-like quarks which interact with the standard model as an electroweak multiplet. If the lightest dark baryon is electrically neutral with vanishing hypercharge, the leading interaction with the SM is anticipated to be through its magnetic dipole (for fermionic dark baryons). Using the non-relativistic quark model, which becomes exact in the large $N_{c}$ limit, we calculate the spin-flavor wave functions and magnetic moments of spin-½ baryons arising from a confined $SU(N_{c})$ gauge group with $N_{f}$ flavors. For every $N_{c}$ and $N_{f}$ considered, we find that the magnetic moment vanishes for most baryons that are the potential dark matter candidates. This suggests bounds from direct detection experiments lead to considerably weaker constraints on strongly-coupled baryonic dark matter, opening up new possibilities for dark matter at TeV and higher scales.

Primary author

Mr Chester Mantel (University of Oregon)

Presentation materials