Simulations studies for the RF performance of the Astroneu II Array

5 Apr 2023, 17:20
Room next to the main auditorium (Conference Centre “Karolos Papoulias”)

Room next to the main auditorium

Conference Centre “Karolos Papoulias”


Dr Stavros Nonis (Hellenic Open University)


Astroneu is an array for extensive air shower detection which is developed and operated in the Hellenic Open University campus near the city of Patras, Greece. In the first stage of operation (Astroneu I) it consisted of 9 scintillators detectors and 6 antennas, which were arranged in 3 stations. The Astroneu array is entering the next phase of operation, where 48 particle detectors and 16 RF antennas are about to be installed. In this work we estimate the efficiency of the new antenna array which depends on the topology as well as on various parameters of the air shower, such as the energy, direction of arrival and mass of the primary particle.

Primary author

Dr Stavros Nonis (Hellenic Open University)

Presentation materials