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WLCG Management Board #311

513/R-068 (CERN)



Show room on map
Simone Campana (CERN)

16:00 CERN/10:00 EDT/09:00 CDT

URL for the ZOOM call:  (the passcode has been distributed by email)

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1) dial your local ZOOM number (e.g. +41432107108) then enter the MB meeting ID  66011416092 then #
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Email Distribution List:
Email List Archive: worldwide-lcg-management-board (requires CERN authentication)
Minutes: Management Board Meeting Minutes
Action List: MbActionList
See also the: WLCG Document RepositoryWLCG Web Site

WLCG Management Board
Zoom Meeting ID
Andrea Sciabà
Alternative hosts
Simone Campana, Maarten Litmaath
Useful links
Join via phone
Zoom URL
    • 16:00 16:10
      Minutes and Matters Arising 10m
      • Recipients of WLCG availability and accounting reports 5m
        Speaker: Catharine Noble (CERN)

        Regarding the distribution of the monthly Accounting reports and Availability/Reliability reports to the WLCG collaboration - need a decision on exactly who to send to.

        We send:

        • the Availability/Reliability reports to the MB (T1) and GDB (T2).
        • the Accounting reports to the MB (T1) but for T2, to separate group called project-wlcg-tier2 (no link to the GDB).

        Comparing the two egroups:

        • project-lcg-gdb = 289 members
        • project-wlcg-tier2 = 138 members of which 78 are in GDB, 26 in CB or OB. The rest (~30) are uniquely in this -tier2 mailing list,  are recognised WLCG site admins/contacts, but not in any Boards egroups (perhaps they should be - eg. GDB - because they're not receiving the Availability reports). This egroup was set up in 2009.

        It is worth scrapping that separate Tier2 egroup project-wlcg-tier2, moving the ~50 people (site admins and CB/OB listed people) into the GDB egroup membership, and then just using the GDB for distribution of all T2 reporting from now on?

        Not clear why we are maintaining a separate egroup just for T2 Accounting reports which doesn't receive the Availability reports, especially when a much larger egroup already receives all the T2 Availability reports but not the Accounting.

      • WLCG project leader deputies 5m
        Speaker: Simone Campana (CERN)
        The WLCG project leader deputies will assist the project leader in the execution of that role. The precise sharing of duties is for the project leader to decide as the project evolves, and will depend on the project needs at the time and the skill sets of the deputies. The role of the deputies will also involve the other sense of ‘deputisation’, i.e. the deputies will be asked to stand in when the project leader is unavailable.
        Simone identified two candidate deputies of complementary experience: Tommaso Boccali (INFN) and David Britton (Glasgow/GridPP). They are prepared to accept the role. The proposal we circulated to the WLCG Collaboration Board received a lot of consensus and one request for clarification about the role itself, hopefully addressed by the paragraph above. The proposal should be presented to the WLCG Overview Board meeting in Dec 2023 and the role of the deputies should be effective as of Jan 1st 2024. 


      • WLCG/HSF workshop 2024 5m
        Speaker: Simone Campana (CERN)

        The WLCG/HSF workshop in 2024 will take place at DESY (Hamburg-DE) in the week May 13-17. Book the dates.

        Details should be discussed, but we are considering a 4-day meeting starting Mon PM and finishing Fri AM. 

        David South is looking into the details and will present an overview at the next MB. 

        WLCG and HSF will rapidly form a team to define the structure and content of the agenda.  


    • 16:10 16:15
      Action List Review 5m
    • 16:15 16:25
      WLCG Service Report 10m
      Speakers: Panos Paparrigopoulos (CERN), Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
    • 16:25 16:30
      CERN annual closure 5m
      Speaker: Dirk Duellmann (CERN)

      For reference - last year's message

    • 16:30 16:40
      Discussion on HEPiX 10m
      Speaker: Simone Campana (CERN)

      Simone met with the HEPiX board chairs and other representatives on the 15th and 16th of November. The discussion was about the HEPiX working groups and how to increase the relevance for WLCG. Several HEPIX working groups played a very important role to address the needs of WLCG, e.g. IPv6, Benchmarking (taking recent examples). Others were useful but drained out and some are being re-launched (e.g. TechWatch), others were closed, sometimes silently (at least w.r.t. WLCG). In the discussion, we agreed that there is currently little accountability of the WGs particularly with respect to WLCG and that is the issue that WLCG would like to address. A possibility to address this is to 1) make the reporting of the WGs to the HEPiX board more structured (and regular) AND 2) have a representative of WLCG in the HEPiX board to ensure bi-directional communication. The HEPiX board chairs will discuss this possibility with the board itself and come back to WLCG.  

    • 16:40 17:00
      DC24 workshop 20m
      Speakers: Christoph Wissing (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Mario Lassnig (CERN)
    • 17:00 17:05
      AOB 5m
      • Next MB Meeting: Tuesday 19 December 2023 1m