16–20 Oct 2023
Kingscliff, NSW, Australia
Australia/Sydney timezone

Participant List

197 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Quiskamp The University of Western Australia
Alex Frost The University of Western Australia
Alexander Kuhl Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Andre Luiten IPAS, University of Adelaide
Andrew Wade The Australian National University
Andrey Jarmola UC Berkeley
Andrey Matsko Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Andy Boes University of Adelaide
Anne Curtis National Physical Laboratory (NPL) UK
Arnan Mitchell RMIT University
Ashby Hilton University of Adelaide
Ashlee Caddell The University of Queensland
Atsuo Morinaga Micromachine Center
Atsushi Yamaguchi RIKEN
Benjamin Roberts University of Queensland
Chin-wen Chou NIST
Christopher Billington University of Adelaide
Claude Marceau National Research Council Canada
Claudio Eligio Calosso INRIM, INFM
Dai-Hyuk Yu Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
David Gozzard University of Western Australia
DMITRY BUDKER Helmholtz Institute Mainz and UC Berkeley
Ekkehard Peik PTB
Elizabeth Donley NIST
Emma Paterson EQUS, The University of Western Australia
Eric Burt Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Erik Streed Griffith University
Eugene Ivanov The University of Western Australia
Franklyn Quinlan National Institute of Standards and Technology
Fritz Riehle PTB
Gerard Milburn The University of Queensland
Graeme Flower University of Western Australia
Guillaume Gauthier The University of Queensland
Hao Gao Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Hidekazu Hachisu NICT
Hidetoshi Katori The University of Tokyo
Jacinda Ginges The University of Queensland
James Hanssen US Naval Observatory
Jayden Webster Griffith University
Jeremy Bourhill The University of Western Australia
Jia Zhang Peking University
JIANWEI ZHANG Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Jingbiao Chen Peking University
John Kitching NIST
Jonathan Gillot FEMTO-ST, ENSMM
Julian Berengut UNSW Sydney
Julian Jee The University of Sydney
Jun Ye JILA/NIST/University of Colorado
Kirk McKenzie Australian National University
Klaus Blaum Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
Krzysztof Szymaniec National Physical Laboratory
Kurt Gibble Penn State
Leo Hollberg Stanford University
Luigi Cacciapuoti European Space Agency
Lute Maleki OEwaves Inc.
Mark Kasevich Stanford University
Martina Matusko FEMTO-ST
Maxim Goryachev The University of Western Australia
Michael Hatzon EQUS, The University of Western Australia
Michael Tobar The University of Western Australia
Michael Wouters National Measurement Institute Australia
Michele Giunta Menlo Systems GmbH/MAx-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
Moji Ghadimi The University of Queensland
Nakarin Jayjong Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore
Nan Yu Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Nils Huntemann Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Nils Nemitz NICT
Paul-Eric Pottie Observatoire de Paris-PSL, CNRS, SU, LNE
Piet Schmidt Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt and Leibniz University Hannover
Piotr Morzyński Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Rachel Offer University of Adelaide
Robert Crew EQUS, The University of Western Australia
Robert Spero JPL
Roman Ciurylo Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
Sam White Monash University
Sang Eon Park Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Sarah Scholten University of Adelaide
Sascha Schediwy University of Western Australia
Scott Beattie National Research Council Canada
Scott Papp NIST
Shawn McSorley The University of Western Australia - ICRAR Astrophotonics
sonali parashar EQUS, The University of Western Australia
Stephen Gensemer CSIRO
Steven Samuels QDM, EQUS, CDM
Tanja Mehlstäubler PTB and LUH
Tanya Zelevinsky Columbia University
Tara Fortier NIST, Boulder
Taylor Christie Monash University
Tetsuya Ido National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Thomas Udem Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Ting Rei Tan The University of Sydney
Tyler Neely University of Queensland
Uwe Sterr PTB
William Campbell The University of Western Australia
William McGehee NIST
Won-Kyu Lee KRISS
Xianhe Huang UESTC
Ya Zhang Australian National University
Yara Hariri FEMTO-ST, time and frequency department
YESHPAL SINGH University of Birmingham
Young-Ho Park Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Yuanhao Li Peking University
Zhiyang Wang Peking University
89 more participants