25–30 Sept 2023
Protea Hotel King George
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Collaborative Research in Machine Learning on the African Continent

29 Sept 2023, 09:00
Regency Room (Protea Hotel King George)

Regency Room

Protea Hotel King George

Invited Talk Physics Research Materials Physics Computing


Omololu Akin-Ojo (ICTP-EAIFR Univ. Rwanda & Physics Department, Univ. Ibadan Nigeria)


After a series of training in Machine Learning (ML), we developed a group of about 15 researchers across different countries in Africa working together online to use ML tools in the study of materials and compounds. In particular, the group is developing ML models for:
a) determining whether a material is an insulator or a conductor
b) predicting the nature (direct/indirect) of band gaps of semiconductors with little computation
c) searching for hard materials
d) finding compounds with very high thermal conductivities
The research group shares computational resources (hardware and software) as well as human expertise through its online weekly meeting and is open to anyone interested. Some of our scientific results will be presented as well as benefits and challenges of the team.

Abstract Category Materials Physics


Omololu Akin-Ojo (ICTP-EAIFR Univ. Rwanda & Physics Department, Univ. Ibadan Nigeria)

Presentation materials