25–30 Sept 2023
Protea Hotel King George
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Escaping the Prism

29 Sept 2023, 14:25
Regency Room (Protea Hotel King George)

Regency Room

Protea Hotel King George


Aina Kauluma (ASP2022)


A prism is a geometric object that refracts light, causing it to separate into different colors. Metaphorically, it can represent a confined or limited viewpoint, a rigid system, or a set of societal norms that restrict individuality. "escaping the prism" suggests liberating oneself from those constrictions, embracing a broader perspective, and pursuing personal growth, freedom, or self-expression. It implies transcending boundaries, exploring new possibilities, and challenging existing paradigms to achieve a more expansive and authentic existence. This is a testament to my journey towards and through physics, a male dominated field.

Presentation materials