Programme Committee
(Confirmed committee members. The list is constantly updated.)
- Prof. Dr. Wolf-Tilo Balke | L3S Research Center, Braunschweig, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany
- Msc. Maria Dimou | CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
- Prof. Dr. Kai Erenli | University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria
- Dr. Christian Geminn | University of Kassel, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer | University Passau, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Christian Guetl | Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Dr. Christian Geminn | University of Kassel, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Mohammed Kaicer | Faculty of Sciences Kenitra, Morocco
- Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller | Leibniz Supercomputing Centre and LMU, Munich, Germany
- Dr. Philipp Mayer-Schlegel, GESIS, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Jelena Mitrovic | University of Passau, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Engelbert Niehaus | RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Monica Palmirani | Università di Bologna, Italy
- Prof. Dr. Martin Potthast | Leipzig University, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Christin Seifert | University of Marburg, Germany
- Dr. Tim Smith, CERN | Geneva, Switzerland
- Dr. Stefan Voigt | Open Search Foundation, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Arjen P. de Vries | Radboud University, Netherlands
- Dr. Andreas Wagner | CERN, Geneva, Switzerland