OSSYM 2023 - 5th International Open Search Symposium

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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Andreas Wagner (CERN), Christian Gütl (Graz University of Technology), Christine Plote, Michael Granitzer, Stefan Voigt (Open Search Foundation)

4 - 6 October 2023

The #ossym Open Search Symposium series brings together the Open Internet Search community in Europe for the fifth time this year. The interactive conference provides a forum to discuss and further develop the ideas and concepts of open internet search. Participants include researchers, data centres, libraries, policy makers, legal and ethical experts, and society.  ( Open Search Foundation)

Conference Programme  

Research Tracks

  • Open search architectures and platforms
  • Federated search and cross-domain search
  • Web Data Analytics and Web Mining
  • Natural language and multi-media processing for search
  • Large Language Model and Machine learning
  • Personalization and recommendation in search
  • Conversational Retrieval Experiences
  • Georeferencing of web content and geospatial search/ analysis
  • Evaluation of open search systems
  • Green computing and sustainability
  • Societal and ethical challenges and solutions
  • Politics and governance
  • Search engine advertising and business models in an open search world
  • Applications of open search in domains such as science, e-commerce, health, and education
  • Legal aspects
  • Economic dimensions of open search

Conference Timetable

Conference format

  • The conferencetook place at CERN with the possibility of Online participation.

Symposium organizing committee

Maari Alanko, CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland  
Isabell Claus, thinkers.ai, Austria  
Michael Granitzer, University Passau, Germany  
Christian Guetl, Graz University of Technology, Austria  
Christine Plote, Open Search Foundation, Germany  
Stefan Voigt, Open Search Foundation, Germany  
Andreas Wagner, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland