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by Neil Chue Hong (Software Sustainability Institute)




ONLINE ONLY -note the unusual time


Research Is now reliant on software, but this software is not as findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable as it could be. In this lecture I will discuss some of the reasons why people are reluctant to invest effort in reusability, introduce the FAIR Principles for Research Software and how to implement them, and explain why making software FAIR supports Open Science, improves reproducibility and is beneficial to the developer.

Short bio

Prof. Chue Hong is Director of the Software Sustainability Institute and Professor of Research Software Policy and Practice at EPCC, the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include software sustainability, research software ecosystems, and impact of research software policy. Recent work includes the FAIR Principles for Research Software, software citation guidance, and work on digital skills for OECD and reproducibility for NISO. He sits on a number of Advisory Boards, including chairing the UK ExCALIBUR Exascale programme Steering Committee and a member of the BBSRC Transformative Technologies Strategic Advisory Panel. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Open Research Software, co-organiser of the SE4Science workshop series, an advocate for The Carpentries, and a Fellow of the British Computer Society.


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