Monolithic CMOS sensors enable the development of detectors with low material budget and a low fabrication cost. Besides, using a small collection electrode results in a small sensor capacitance, a low analogue power consumption, and a large signal-to-noise ratio. TCAD Device simulations are used to model the highly non-linear electric field inside this type of sensor. These electric fields can be imported into the Allpix Squared framework, which simulates the full response of the sensor under particle interaction, accounting for the effects like Landau fluctuations in the energy deposition stage, formation of delta electrons, and propagation of charges via drift and diffusion. Thus, the combination of TCAD and Allpix Squared allows for precise and high statistics simulations needed for sensor characterization.
One of the goals of the Tangerine Project is to develop a test beam telescope setup consisting of detector prototypes designed in a novel 65nm CMOS imaging process. This contribution describes the first steps and results in the design of such a telescope using the Allpix Squared and Corryvreckan frameworks for simulation and analysis.