17–21 Apr 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Career paths event

Transition done - from academia to industry

On Thursday, 20th April 2023, a career event will be hosted by the 11th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop. The event is also open for all PhD students and PostDocs from the DESY campus.

We will start at 6PM in building 1, seminar room 4a+b but the event will be in hybrid mode via a Zoom connection. The format will be a panel discussion with invited speakers moderated by the workshop organizers. Afterwards you are invited to some drinks and snacks.

So come by and let's discuss with us!


Invited speakers

Rachel Bray


Rachel is the head of the unique and vibrant CERN Alumni Programme, for which she was community manager from 2017 to 2020. Prior to this she worked for 8 years in CERN's Engineering Department, in the domain of Product Lifecycle Management and 9 years within the IT section of CERN Supplies Procurement and Logistics Department. In her spare time Rachel is Chair of the CERN Clubs' Coordinating Committee, President and Zumba instructor at the CERN Fitness Club and board member of the Association of Sports Committees of European Research Institutes.


Enrico Schioppa Jr. 


Enrico is project Manager at Inmatica S.p.A., working on a research projects on AI, IoT and innovative sensors in their branch in Lecce. Enrico graduated in physics at university La Sapienza of Rome in 2010, followed by his PhD at Nikhef in 2014, working on Medipix/Timepix. After doing his postdoc at the University of Geneva he became a fellow at CERN, working on monolithic CMOS sensors (MALTA), basically living in test beam facilities all over Europe. Later he became a researcher at the University of Salento, working on ITk and Machine Learning applied to ATLAS data analysis, and he was in the organising committee of BTTB 9 & 10. He won in 2021 1MEur to start a research on how plants respond to acoustic stimuli, this research is still ongoing, currently first results are being gathered.


Katharina Dort 


Katharina did her masters at the University of Giessen in Germany, where she worked on the Belle II experiment using neural networks for data-analysis purposes. She went on to do her PhD at CERN working on monolithic pixel detectors. She was involved in simulations, lab work as well as test-beam activities. She now works at KPMG and is mostly involved in audits, where she reviews the risk management of financial institutions.



Alessia Renardi


Alessia studied physics in Napoli with internships at Fermilab and CERN in between. In 2018, she moved to Hamburg and started her PhD in the ATLAS group at DESY working on the ITk strip detector. With her knowledge on silicon sensors and detector technologies, she joined Littelfuse in Lampertheim in November 2022, where she is now employed as Research and Development Engineer with the focus on chip design. 



Julie Lu


Julie studied Asian Studies and Economics at the University of Hamburg. She has gathered first experiences in recruitment as well as Product Marketing before becoming a full-time recruiter at Lumics GmbH & Co. KG, a joint venture between Lufthansa Technik and McKinsey & Company. Julie joined Nexperia on April 1, 2021 and is currently working as Talent Acquisiton Specialist in Hamburg.




Further information

Zoom connection:

  • ID: 68358528980
  • Passcode: 18238313
  • URL: https://cern.zoom.us/j/68358528980?pwd=ZDd1b2w5aFJ3dGRraVlHRisrZTdUdz09