Testbeam Software
- Adriana Simancas (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
The Inner Tracker of the ATLAS experiment requires the optimal performance
of its pixel sensors. To test their efficiency, a reliable track reconstruction and
analysis for testbeam data is necessary to ensure the precise detection of par-
ticles. The quality of data from testbeam campaigns are influenced by many
factors, including high beam densities, which can impair the track...
High intensity beams, such as the M2 muon beam at CERN, provide a significant challenge to DAQ systems, in particular when reading out many sensors. For example, beam tests conducted by the MUonE experiment used silicon strip sensors with a bandwidth of 5 Gb/s per module.
Future beam tests will incorporate up to 18 of these modules connected to a triggerless readout system. Limits on...