3rd Series on Data Protection - It’s Platforms All the Way Down”: Understanding Data and Power in the Digital Economy (1/4)
Abstract: A feature of the modern digital economy is the “platform” business strategy. But what is this, and how does it work? In this lecture, I will explain different views on what a “platform” is, and why it is crucial to understand the way platforms function and accumulate power regardless of which aspect of the digital world is of interest. We will use the concept of platform to explore issues of privacy and app stores, surveillance and social control, and concepts of software freedom and digital sovereignty. What kind of digital future do we want to create, and how can we encourage this transformation?
Bio: Dr Michael Veale is Associate Professor in digital rights and regulation at University College London's Faculty of Laws. His research focusses on how to understand and address challenges of power and justice that digital technologies and their users create and exacerbate, in areas such as privacy-enhancing technologies and machine learning. He tweets at @mikarv. Longer bio at https://michae.lv/bios/
Maria Dimou / 26 Participants