Monday PM1
- David Sutherland
In my presentation, I shall discuss the Renormalisation Group (RG) running of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) bosonic sector at 1-loop level up to order 1/Λ4, where Λ is the SMEFT cut-off scale. Specifically, I will explore the contributions from dimension eight operators that are tree-level generated and Lepton Number Violating operators (LNVs) at...
Based on [2105.12742, 2303.07391] and upcoming work, I will discuss various aspects of the renormalization of scalar effective field theory (EFT). For single insertions of EFT operators, we computed anomalous dimensions at five loop order and high mass dimension using the R* method. For multiple insertions, we present three-loop results and a general non-renormalization theorem that dictates...