My talk would be about our current research in the field of big data, where we try to implement a system that would scale its speedup to over a hundred nodes. Currently, we are working with astronomers and took the simulation and analysis of pulsars as a first use case for our implementation. My colleague, as a Phd in Physics, came up with the calculations of the simulations in python and I...
Quantum Computing is a very promising field that can potentially have a great impact of High Energy Physics. I will give an overview of my PhD project about charged particles track reconstruction using a quantum algorithm.
In preparation for the High-Luminosity LHC, the ATLAS Collaboration is interested in evaluating the feasibility of employing hardware acceleration to its software-based high-level trigger. The 16th most costly algorithm in the ATLAS trigger, and the most computationally expensive part of calorimeter reconstruction, is topological clustering, which allows reconstructing the showers that take...