Session I
- Stano Tokar (Comenius University (SK))
The Higgs boson discovery by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC is briefly reminded. The contribution focuses on the summary of the recent results, with the emphasis on specific measurements that the Prague group was strongly involved in: observation, discovery and precision measurement of the Higgs boson decay to the pair of tau-leptons and searches for lepton-flavour-violating decays H...
The latest ATLAS results on the tt-bar production charge asymmetry will be presented along with the asymmetry measurements in tt-gamma and ttW final states.
Although ATLAS is not specialized in B-physics, its performance (namely of the tracking and muon system) allows for competitive B-physics measurements. The talk will overview the results of the ATLAS B-physics group and the methods used to perform the analyses. Performance expected at HL-LHC will also be mentioned.
The ATLAS Collaboration has recently released results of a search for an excited tau lepton. It is based on the LHC Run 2 data and it exploits 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with two hadronically decaying tau leptons and at least two jets in the final state. It is the first dedicated search for the excited tau lepton at the LHC. In the same final state, ATLAS also searched for a leptoquark...
V současné době je již naprosto zřejmé, že časové detektory budou tvořit zásadní komponentu v dalším rozvoji detekčních zařízení, a to nejen ve fyzice vysokých energií. Mikrokanálkový fotonásobič,
Micro Channel Plate PhotoMulTiplier (MCP-PMT) je velmi rychlý (a velmi drahý) fotonásobič s rozmanitým využitím a časový detektor na něm založený představuje v současnosti to nejlepší, z pohledu...