Session III
- Brano Sitar (Comenius University (SK))
In the presentation the development of the Alice experiment at the LHC will be described, starting from the first sketches, Letter of Intent and Technical Proposal designs, and finally the detector setup as built in 2009. The talk will continue with the main physics results of run-1 and run-2. During LS2 the Inner Tracking System (ITS) was completely replaced with a new silicon pixel tracker...
Jednou z popredných oblastí štúdia fyziky vysokých energií je štúdium silne interagujúcej hmoty, kvark-gluónovej plazmy. Zvýšená produkcia podivných častíc bola jedna z prvých navrhnutých signatúr tohto stavu. V práci sa zaoberáme produkciou multi-podivných baryónov (Ξ− a Ω−) a ich antičastíc meraných experimentom ALICE na LHC v Xe–Xe zrážkach pri energii 5,44 TeV. Porovnanie získaných...
In the QCD phase diagram, vicinity of the critical point is accompanied
with big changes of the susceptibilities. They should manifest themselves in the moments of the number distribution for conserved quantum numbers, e.g., the baryon number. Unfortunately, detectors cannot measure the baryon number, but only the number of stable protons. Also, in a real experiment, detectors cover just a...
The hydrodynamic modelling of heavy-ion collisions at energies from few to tens of GeV per NN pair brings new challenges as compared to simulations at top RHIC or LHC energies. The contraction of the incoming nuclei is much weaker resulting in a long inter-penetration phase and a more complex initial-state geometry. Conventional hydrodynamic models, where the fluid phase starts at a fixed...