11–12 May 2023
IJCLab - Building 200
Europe/Paris timezone

General Information


This event is a unique opportunity for us to meet each other, present our lives as Ph.D. students, exchange ideas and have fun


These two days will be very busy, so here you can stay up to date with all the activities planned!

  • Students interested in sharing their work will be giving talks or presenting posters (see below).
  • social dinner is currently being planned for the first day of the event - you will be asked to indicate if you plan to participate during registration!
  • A public lecture by Alain Aspect, the latest Nobel prize winner, also a professor at the Optics Institute Graduate School of Paris-Saclay University on Friday the 12th of May.
  • And more to come...

How can YOU participate?

We strongly encourage all PHENIICS students to contribute to the PHENIICS Fest and we have some suggestions for you: 

- For 1st year students, we suggest that you prepare a poster for the dedicated poster sessions: it can include the scientific context of your work and your plans for the following years of your Phd! 

- For 2nd year students, we would recommend that you give a talk of approximately 15 minutes (TBC) on your ongoing work, just like in a conference!

- As for the last year students, we understand that your schedule is very busy, so we leave the choice up to you, while you also have a third option: You can be a chairman/chairwoman of a session or give a short oral introduction at the beginning of a session (eg. about 10 mins with some basics of particle physics or nuclear physics so that the speakers do not have to repeat everytime)!

Of course, these are just recommendations, if you really want to participate in a specific way or have any other suggestions about your contribution, please let us know – we are open to new ideas! You should inform us on the subject and type of your participation when registering to this event

All posters and presentations should be made in English!


Please remember that PHENIICS has students from a large range of fields, so please try to make your presentations/posters as PEDAGOGICAL as possible!