9–12 Oct 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Executing Analysis Workflows at Scale with Coffea+Dask+TaskVine

10 Oct 2023, 15:00
Notebook talk Plenary Session Tuesday


Benjamin Tovar Lopez (University of Notre Dame)


During this talk I will present our experiences executing analysis workflows on thousands of cores. We use TaskVine, a general-purpose task scheduler for large scale data intensive dynamic python applications, to execute the task graph generated by Coffea+Dask. As task data becomes available, TaskVine adapts the cores and memory allocated to maximize throughput and minimize retries. Additionally, TaskVine tries to minimize data movement by temporarily and aggressively caching data at the compute nodes. TaskVine executes these workflows without a previous setup in the compute nodes, as it dynamically delivers the dependencies using conda-based environment file.


Benjamin Tovar Lopez (University of Notre Dame)

Presentation materials