9–12 Oct 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

What's new with Vector? First major release is out!

9 Oct 2023, 14:40
Lightning talk Plenary Session Monday


Saransh Chopra (Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi)


Vector is a Python library for 2D, 3D, and Lorentz vectors, especially arrays of vectors, designed to solve common physics problems in a NumPy-like way. Vector currently supports pure Python Object, NumPy, Awkward, and Numba-based (Numba-Object, Numba-Awkward) backends.

Vector had its first major release shortly after PyHEP 2022, and there have been several new and exciting updates along and after v1.0.0, including, but not limited to, new constructors, better error handling, fewer bugs, and awkward v2 support.

This lightning talk will cover the recent advancements in vector and how it still seamlessly integrates and is up-to-date with the rest of the Scikit-HEP ecosystem.

Primary authors

Henry Fredrick Schreiner (Princeton University) Jim Pivarski (Princeton University) Saransh Chopra (Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi)

Presentation materials