The Transient Current Technique (TCT) is a powerful yet flexible laboratory characterization technique for silicon sensors. By precisely injecting charges with laser pulses and analyzing waveforms, produced as deposited charge drifts in the sensor bulk, one may experimentally study different charge collection features of the sensor under test.
With the development of novel types of silicon sensors with complex internal structures, experimental results can be challenging to interpret. To investigate possible outcomes of such experiments and understand these in detail, computer simulations are often used.
This work focuses on Monte-Carlo simulations of TCT experiments, performed with the Allpix$^2$ framework.
A dedicated Allpix$^2$ module, modeling absorption of laser light in silicon sensors, was developed to build a full pipeline that simulates processes occuring in a real experiment.
An overview of the simulation technique is presented, as well as first simulation results and its comparison to experimental data.
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