22–23 May 2023
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

A Timepix3 front-end simulator plugin for Allpix2

23 May 2023, 13:00
Seminar room 4 (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)

Seminar room 4

DESY, Hamburg, Germany

Building 1B, 2nd floor


Pinelopi Christodoulou (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))


The talk will present the latest implementation of the Timepix3 front-end simulator. The front-end electronics channel is modelled using an integrator stage and parallel low-pass filtered feedback loops with individually configurable time constants. The system noise is implemented using independent bandwidth limited noise channels for pre-amplifier, feedback and threshold noise. The Timepix3 time of arrival (ToA) and time over threshold (ToT) measurement is computed using a discriminator model with independent rise and fall time constants and separate clock frequencies for the ToA and ToT time-stamping. The measured dependence of the ToT on the pre-amplifier input charge using test-pulses of a Timepix3 assembly is correctly reproduced by this model for a wide range of discriminator threshold settings. Simulated data will be compared to measurements using radioactive sources. The model does however not cover all aspects of the Timepix3 front-end and its limitations will be discussed.

Will the talk be given in person or remotely? Remotely


Lukas Tlustos (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)) Pinelopi Christodoulou (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Presentation materials