6–10 Nov 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Combining resonant and tail-based anomaly detection

8 Nov 2023, 17:15
Seminarraum 4a/b (DESY)

Seminarraum 4a/b



Gerrit Bickendorf (Universität Bonn)


In many well-motivated models of the electroweak scale, cascade decays of new particles can result in highly boosted hadronic resonances (e.g. $Z/W/h$). This can make these models rich and promising targets for recently developed resonant anomaly detection methods powered by modern machine learning. We demonstrate this using the state-of-the-art CATHODE method applied to supersymmetry scenarios with gluino pair production. We show that CATHODE, despite being model-agnostic, is nevertheless competitive with dedicated cut-based searches, while simultaneously covering a much wider region of parameter space. The gluino events also populate the tails of the missing energy and $H_T$ distributions, making this a novel combination of resonant and tail-based anomaly detection.


Dr Claudius Krause (Rutgers University) David Shih Gerrit Bickendorf (Universität Bonn) Gregor Kasieczka (Hamburg University (DE)) Prof. Manuel Drees (Universität Bonn)

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