5:40 PM
Development of quad-channel high resolution digital picoammeter for beam diagnostics
Mauricio Donatti
6:00 PM
Evaluating the RFSoC as a Software-Defined Radio Readout System for Magnetic Microcalorimeters
Robert Gartmann
6:20 PM
A common readout unit for multichannel array detectors at HIRFL-CSR
Xianqin Li
(Institute of modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
6:40 PM
An FPGA-based Data Aggregator for ATLAS ITK Pixel DCS System
Ahmed Qamesh
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
6:40 PM
Universal test system for boards hosting bPOL12V DC-DC converters.
Krzysztof Stachon
(ETH Zurich (CH))
6:40 PM
A Charge-integration Pixel Detector Readout Chip Features High Frame Rate with in-pixel ADCs.
Mujin Li
6:40 PM
A Low-Power Gated-Vernier Ring Oscillator TDC for Cryogenic Detectors
Soumyajit Mandal
6:40 PM
SiGe integrated chip readout for fast timing
Simone Michele Mazza
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
6:40 PM
Development of the data transmission architecture of the stitched sensor prototype towards the ALICE ITS3 upgrade
Piotr Andrzej Dorosz
6:40 PM
SAQRADC: An on-demand, low-power, minimal footprint, 10-bit resolution charge-redistribution ADC with internal clock generation
Nicholas St. John
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
6:40 PM
Development of FABulous: An Embedded FPGA Framework in 28nm CMOS
Larry Lou Jr Ruckman
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
6:40 PM
Two HVCMOS active pixel ASIC designs for the Measuring GCR and SEP with a combined dynamic range of >80dB
Elena Papadomanolaki
(ADVEOS Microelectronic Systems P.C.)
6:40 PM
FastRICH: a readout ASIC with precise time stamping for the LHCb RICH detector
Andrea Paterno
6:40 PM
The Analog Front End for FastRICH: an ASIC for the LHCb RICH Detector Upgrade
Rafel Manera Escalero
(University of Barcelona (ES))
Rafel Manera Escalero
(University of Barcelona (ES))
6:40 PM
Design and measurements of SMAUG1, a prototype ASIC for voltage measurement using noise distribution
Grzegorz Jan Wegrzyn
Grzegorz Jan Wegrzyn
(AGH University of Cracow)
6:40 PM
Beam test of a baseline vertex detector for the CEPC
Tianya Wu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
6:40 PM
A novel Front-End for Monolithic Active Pixel Detectors ASICs
Ana Dorda
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
6:40 PM
MightyPix at the LHCb Mighty Tracker – Verification of an HV-CMOS pixel chip’s digital readout
Sigrid Scherl
(University of Liverpool (GB))
6:40 PM
A High Time Resolution Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor with Node-Based, Data Driven and Parallel Readout for Vertex Detector in particle physics Experiments
Le Xiao
6:40 PM
The optimization, design and performance of the FBCM23 ASIC for the upgraded CMS beam monitoring system
Grzegorz Jan Wegrzyn
6:40 PM
Ionizing Radiation Influence on 28-nm MOS Transistor’s Low-Frequency Noise Characteristics
Martin Apro
6:40 PM
Performance of a novel charge sensor on the ion detection for the development of a high-pressure avalancheless ion TPC
Tianyu Liang
(Central China Normal University)
6:40 PM
A Radiation Hardened IP Development Programme for 28nm CMOS Technology
Oliver Bowett
Stephen Bell
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
Thomas Gardiner
6:40 PM
Design updates for AARDVARCv4: Waveform Sampling System On Chip with Picosecond Timing Resolution
Isar Mostafanezhad
(Nalu Scientific, LLC)
6:40 PM
Time-Delay-Based Analog Front-End for Monitored Drift Tubes in 65 nm CMOS with < 200 ns Baseline Recovery Time and Coherent Time-over-Threshold
Syed Adeel Ali Shah
6:40 PM
An FPGA-based Front-end Module Emulator for the High Granularity Timing Detector Readout Module
Zhenwu Ge
(Nanjing University (CN))
6:40 PM
Novel developments on the OpenIPMC project
Luigi Calligaris
(UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))
6:40 PM
Implementation and performance comparision of MMC firmware on RISC-V and ARM-based MCUs
Jie Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS))
6:40 PM
Silicon photonic, planar coupled, 4-channel WDM transmitter
Marc Schneider
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
6:40 PM
The Optosystem: validation and testing of the high-speed optical-to-electrical conversion system for the readout of the ATLAS ITk Pixel upgrade
Silke Mobius
(Universitaet Bern (CH))
6:40 PM
Radiation test of commercial of the shelf (COTS) optical transceivers in the frame of the beam position monitor (BPM) consolidation project for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Manoel Barros Marin
6:40 PM
Digital duty cycle correction system for clock paths in radiation-tolerant high-speed wireline transmitters
Adam Klekotko
6:40 PM
Method for extracting the single event upset cross section from error counts in triplicated error-correction code registers
Jon Wilson
(Baylor University (US))
6:40 PM
Radiation Tolerance of the MUX64 for the High Granularity Timing Detector of ATLAS
Jie Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS))
6:40 PM
Design and implementation of Neural Network based conditions for the CMS Level-1 Global Trigger upgrade for the HL-LHC
Gabriele Bortolato
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
6:40 PM
The phase-1 upgrade of the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger
Tigran Mkrtchyan
(Heidelberg University (DE))
6:40 PM
Mu2e calorimeter readout electronics: design, characterisation, and radiation hardness
Daniele Paesani
6:40 PM
High-speed front-end electronics and digitisation system for the Crilin calorimeter with enhanced timing performance
Daniele Paesani
6:40 PM
Commissioning of the Upstream Tracker for the LHCb upgrade
Carlos Abellan Beteta
(University of Zurich (CH))
6:40 PM
Demonstration of the digital readout chain in the NνDEx experiment
Lei Lang
(Central China Normal University)
Kai Chen
(Central China Normal University)
6:40 PM
Digital processing and BLMASIC control prototype for the Beam Loss Monitor system in the SPS at CERN.
Mathieu Saccani
6:40 PM
Electronics Upgrade for the HADES MDC Drift Chambers
Jan Michel
(Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))
Jan Michel
(Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))
6:40 PM
Proof of principle for a novel PET detector
Andrej Seljak
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
6:40 PM
A prototype readout system for the beam monitor at the CSR external-target experiment
Jun Liu
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
6:40 PM
Design of the ASIC readout scheme for the JUNO-TAO experiment
Jie Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS))
6:40 PM
The quality control programme for ITk strip tracker module assembly
Abraham Tishelman-Charny
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
6:40 PM
RD53A Quad Modules Production and QC for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Outer Barrel (OB) Demonstrator.
Yahya A R Khwaira
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
6:40 PM
Commissioning of the Test System for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker
Patryk Szydlik
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (PL))
6:40 PM
The End-of-Substructure (EoS) card for the ATLAS Strip Tracker Upgrade – from Design to Production
Sara Ruiz Daza
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
6:40 PM
A Custom Discrete Amplifier-Shaper-Discriminator Circuit for the Drift Chambers of the R3B Experiment at GSI
Michael Wiebusch
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionerforschung GmbH)
6:40 PM
CMS ECAL Upgrade Front End card. Design and performance.
Alexander Singovski
(University of Notre Dame (US))
6:40 PM
Data acquisition system of the PANDA Micro-Vertex Detector (MVD)
Olena Manzhura
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))