Workshop: Clinics and research: considerations to create a novel particle therapy center (within HITRIplus Event)

107 (RTU Domus auditorialis)


RTU Domus auditorialis

Zunda krastmala 8, Room 107, 1st floor

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID:  982 0996 6693

Passcode: 850512

  • Ainars Bajinskis
  • Aleksejs Katasevs
  • Alise Pika-Ozola
  • Andreas Peters
  • Andris Ratkus
  • Angelica Facoetti
  • Ardis Platkajis
  • Atul Mishra
  • Aurelia Viņķe
  • Chiara Marazzi
  • Dace Bogorada-Saukuma
  • Dimitrios Samaras
  • Dinika Shenal Netolpitiya Mahanama Siriwardana
  • Dmitri Šutov
  • Eduard Gershkevitsh
  • eleonora de cata
  • Elizabete Skrebele
  • Elīna Cimbolineca
  • Endera Kankanamalage Tharani Dulanjana Appuhami
  • Eric FORTON
  • Erika Korobeinikova
  • Fahim Ahmed Khan
  • Fatjona Kraja
  • Frederick Bordry
  • George Thomas
  • Javier Munilla
  • Jelena Subina
  • Jevgenijs Eugene Proskurins
  • Jinbin zhang
  • Jonas Venius
  • Juhan Saaring
  • Jurijs Dehtjars
  • Laura Grikke
  • Maija Radzina
  • Manjit Dosanjh
  • Manuela Cirilli
  • Marco Statera
  • Maria Vittoria Livraga
  • Mariano Cecowski
  • Maris Kuzminskis
  • Markus Stock
  • Marta Mumot
  • Maurizio Vretenar
  • Mirko Rocca
  • Nicholas Sammut
  • René Steinbrügge
  • Roberta Martišienė
  • Sandra Elisabeth Muhr
  • Sandra Stepina
  • Sandro Rossi
  • Séverine Rossomme
  • Thomas Haberer
  • Thomas Schreiner
  • Toms Torims
  • Valentīna Strautmane
  • Yiota Foka
    • 09:45 10:00
      Arrival (coffee provided) 15m
    • 10:00 10:10
      Workshop Opening 10m
      Speaker: Aiga Balode (Depupty State Secretary of The Ministry for Health of the Republic of Latvia)
    • 10:10 10:25
      Project initiative “Advanced Particle Therapy center for the Baltic states” 15m

      Introduction and overview of an initiative started by CERN Baltic group for development of a particle therapy center in the Baltic States region. Conceptual idea of the center is presented, outlining key clinical, scientific research and industry involvement aspect. Main goals, current status and future steps and perspectives are given for the initiative, focusing also on the role of this workshop for future developments.

      Speaker: Prof. Toms Torims (Riga Technical University (LV))
    • 10:25 11:05
      Clinical aspects and rationales of particle therapy 40m

      Clinical personnel – radiation oncologists – oriented session. Rationales and clinical gains of particle therapy compared with conventional radiation therapy will be discussed with practical case examples. Oncological indications and cancer types eligible for particle therapy will be indicated by covering the current clinical evidence and community consensus statements, on-going clinical trials and alternative approaches for patient selection apart from evidence-based medicine.

      Speaker: Dr Ester Orlandi (The National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO))
    • 11:05 11:45
      Medical physics and quality assurance in particle therapy 40m

      Session oriented to the technical support staff of radiation therapy – medical physicists. Differences and key-aspects to be taken into account for particle therapy treatment planning compared to conventional radiation therapy. Role of radiobiology for particle therapy treatment planning will be established, covering concepts like LET and RBE. The main aspects of quality assurance procedures for particle therapy and particle accelerator complex and delivery system will be indicated.

      Speaker: Dr Markus Stock (MedAustron)
    • 11:45 11:55
      Coffee break 10m
    • 11:55 12:35
      Helium ion therapy. Heavy ion therapy research 40m

      The main rationales and current status of the novel helium ion therapy for cancer treatment will be one of the main focuses of this session. Necessary research work from medical physics and clinical trials perspective for helium ion therapy clinical translation will be indicated. The most important considerations before starting the use of a new particle therapy modality clinically in a center will be covered. Lastly, main research directions in various scientific fields will be indicated for the heavy ion therapy.

      Speaker: Prof. Thomas Haberer (Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center (HIT))
    • 12:35 13:15
      Practical experience of setting up a treatment center 40m

      The last session will be mainly focused on practical aspects and experience of difficulties and challenges that are to be faced, when starting a new particle therapy center. Experience and “lessons learned” by current European ion therapy center experts will be shared with notes on EC Medical Device certification process and “pitfalls”. Process of working with CERN-based projects like Proton Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS) will be shortly covered. Lastly, considerations to make in the designing and project development stage in terms of industry involvement and personally education will be given.

      Speaker: Dr Sandro Rossi (The National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO))
    • 13:15 14:15
      End of the Workshop - Lunch Break 1h
    • 14:15 15:45
      Discussion among the Baltic medical community attendees 1h 30m