There are many reasons one may wish to have users from one Moodle be able to access activities and resources from another Moodle: maybe a plugin is unavailable on one Moodle but available on another; or for example in the case of the International Virtual Exchange Project, it may be beneficial to have students access a course on a different Moodle with Single-Sign-On (SSO) in order to have a...
This workshop is for the beginner user or a person who is considering starting their own Moodle site and server. Attendees who also use their own Moodle systems can also attend to share their experiences with novice Moodle users. Basic functions (setting up a class, types of quizzes, interactive textbook creation, H5P features) will be reviewed. I hope to have some hands-on demonstrations and...
Student performances are best assessed by analytic rubrics rather than holistic letter grades or general summative categories. Formative assessment using rubrics and actionable feedback can improve student learning and teacher instruction. Teachers, peers or performing students can administer the assessment and feedback. In this workshop, the three teacher-developers who created the Video...
※ 簡単なデータ処理ハンズオンも実施予定ですので、可能な限り、Excelの利用可能なPCをお持ちください。Win / Mac、どちらでも問題ありません。
This workshop aims to provide participants with practical knowledge and hands-on experience in setting up a Matrix server to be used in conjunction with a Moodle server. Matrix is an open-source communication protocol and decentralized network for secure and private real-time communication.
During this workshop, participants will learn the fundamental concepts of Matrix and its relevance to...
Welcome to Nagasaki International University and the 2024 MoodleMoot Japan
In this session the presenter will explain in detail how the well-known AI tool "ChatGPT" was used to create a large number of Moodle quiz questions, suitable for filling a question category and adding to a Moodle Quiz as a "random" question. The explanation will include a description of the choice of model (GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4) and the development of suitable prompts that produce reliable...
A brief outline of where the Moodle Partner Programme sits in the Moodle Ecosystem, followed by more detail on APAC partners. Before talking specifically about Japanese partners and bringing forth examples of notable projects involving Moodle's three Japanese partners.
ChatGPT is an Open AI tool that can produce text-based answers to complex questions, summarizing a wealth of sources published and available on the internet. Students who install and learn to use ChatGPT can pose and answer complex questions that might be used in projects, assignments, tests and exams. ChatGPT’s ability to generate content with well-reasoned arguments and smooth grammar can...
In our 2023 presentation we explained the rationale for and basic functionality of DripRelease, a custom plugin designed by Marcus Green. The DripRelease plugin enables teachers to easily set rolling deadlines for quiz activities throughout a term such that students are assigned to complete X number of quiz activities each Y day period over the Z length term (e.g. 5 quizzes every 7 days over...
In the heart of Sudan's turmoil, where conflict and decaying infrastructure cast a daunting shadow, technology emerges as the beacon guiding education through the storm. The transition to E-learning platforms, particularly Moodle, stands as a pivotal moment for Sudanese universities and schools, ensuring the vital thread of education persists despite overwhelming adversity. This Presentation...
The next generation of Moodle integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Open Educational Technology (OET) into an online and blended learning ecosystem. In this talk, the founder of Moodle, Dr. Martin Dougiamas, will offer a vision of how lifelong learning will evolve around an infrastructure that includes the Moodle LMS but also is interconnected with portfolios, OER (MoodleNet), learning...
A presentation by one of our Platinum sponsors, E-Learning
コロナ禍を経て、MoodleをはじめとしたLMSの活用が増加しています。これにより、教育・学習のデータが従来より取得しやすい状態となってきました。昨今では、「個別最適化の学び」「学習データの活用」など、教育・学習データの活用事例である学習分析が話題となっています。 当然ながら、学習分析を行うにはその前提として「データ」が不可欠となりますが、実際問題として、「どのようなデータが取得可能」なのでしょうか。また、データ取得にあたって、そもそも「教育評価とはどのようになされる」のでしょうか。今回の講演では、学習分析やそのベースとなる教育評価の実際について、Moodleの活用事例を踏まえた講演を行います。
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of LMSs, including Moodle, has increased. This has...
The advent of digital learning platforms introduces new perspectives on how social interaction and learning take place in an online learning environment as it supports a space that opens opportunities for online learners to collaborate and construct knowledge. The growth of online Learning Management System (LMS) entails understanding how to promote collaborative knowledge construction...
This research explores the insights and suggestions of undergraduate online students in a digital literacy course regarding the features they believe are essential for an effective and engaging Learning Management System (LMS), specifically MOODLE. The study aims to address three key objectives: 1) to get the students' suggestions for additional LMS features to enhance online learning...
This study explores the perceptions of newly enrolled Master of Information Systems (MIS) students at the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) regarding the web accessibility of the UPOU MyPortal, the university's Moodle-based learning platform. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study integrates quantitative surveys and qualitative open-ended questions to gather insights into...
・オンライン試験監督: Webカメラを使って、受験者の顔を常に撮影することで、不正行為のリスクを減らすことができます。
・eポートフォリオ: 個々の学生の能力・学習成果を可視化・分析できるeポートフォリオを作成できます。
・SIS連携: 学生、コース、成績、時間割などの情報をLMSと連携できます。
・マルチテナント機能: 他の大学や企業に対して、コース・教材などのコンテンツを共有できます。
・その他: メタバースや動画配信などの機能も備えています。
The University of the Philippines - Open University (UPOU) has been a pioneer in distance education since the mid-2000s, offering classes exclusively in a fully online format. In 2013, UPOU took a significant step forward by introducing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These MOOCs are hosted in our Massive Open Distance eLearning (MODeL) platform, which is currently based in Moodle 4.0...
Developing a Moodle plugin as a one-time project one-on-one with a software engineer is often best managed through email or familiar communication apps. However, a reliable project management system like GitHub is required when developing a Moodle plugin involving continuous bug fixing and iterative improvement, a team of contributing developers, software developers and Moodle administration...
MoodleではxAPIログストア・プラグインを活用することにより、学習レコードストアの一種であるLearning Lockerに学習履歴を記録することが可能である。このプラグインは、Moodleで生成される学習履歴を、学習履歴に関する標準規格であるxAPI形式に変換し、学習レコードストアに送信する。従来のプラグインでは記録対象となる活動及び設問・問題タイプが少ないため、我々はプラグインを独自に改修し、より多様な学習履歴を記録している。しかし、蓄積されるレコード数の増加に伴い、Learning Lockerのデータベース・サーバの負荷が増大する。これにより、学習履歴の記録に要する時間が増大するほか、学習履歴の読み出し及び活用が困難になる。複数年度にまたがる学習履歴を蓄積し、学習分析に活用するためには、学習履歴を長期に保管するデータベース・サーバを新たに構築し、Learning...
As observed in a recent systematic review on trends in using Moodle for teaching and learning by Gamage et al., 2022, the majority of studies on Moodle focused on how using Moodle effectively improves student performance, satisfaction, and engagement by undergraduate students. This paper will share teaching practices in developing the research capability of graduate students using Moodle....
This presentation will introduce the "Vocabulary activity" module for Moodle which has been developed to help Japanese university students study English vocabulary. The module accepts a wordlist from the teacher and then presents the words individually to the students in a series of interactive games. Every time a student interacts successfully with a word, their count for that word is...
This roundtable of expert researchers and developers will summarize the current situation of learning analytics research in Japan and across Asia. Representatives of open universities in Japan and Philippines are invited to share their opinions on the proceedings of the learning analytics & A.I. stream of this MoodleMoot Japan. This roundtable will conclude the stream on learning analytics &...
Gamification in ODeL
As a pioneer in Open and Distance e-Learning (ODeL) within the country, the University of the Philippines Open University remains committed to spearheading advancements in research and application throughout the Philippines. This commitment extends to delivering high-quality education through the utilization of Moodle as the Learning Management System...
Whether they are new or experienced users of Moodle, teachers are often faced with the same decisions when creating a new course for a language class. If setting up a course to supplement a commercial textbook that already offers its own online materials, we need to ensure that any additional online resource (i.e. a class Moodle course) doesn’t serve to overwhelm, or even confuse learners. If...
Students often fear having to perform oral presentations. For a multitude of reasons, it is also difficult for teachers to assess and to give quick and effective feedback that fosters learning, confidence and motivation for those students doing performances. During a 12-year action research project trialling various methods, a team of teachers created an online video post-assessment tool,...
When it comes to user experience, determining what counts as “improvement” is not easy nor straightforward. Convenience for some may easily be an inconvenience for others. With the difficulty that comes with providing a catch-all recommendation towards Moodle improvement as a learner’s tool, this paper instead attempts to provide an assessment of Moodle by reflecting on the learner’s...
This presentation will show how Moodle is used to host content for a reading course at the University of Nagasaki. The syllabus for this reading course includes extensive reading and reading of more advanced articles. While other applications are used, Moodle acts as the central portal to keep students on track in a course which does not use a textbook. Many of the articles used in this course...
The video assessment module (funded and built in Japan) manages large numbers of student video performance recordings and assesses them using Moodle’s advanced grading rubric designer. This custom plugin can give detailed formative guidance to learners on how to immediately improve their performance. However, the errors, weaknesses and omissions by students are often similar at beginning...
2012年頃から、筆者らは理工系大学の旧来型対面授業に融合させるべく履修者が教室外で自律的に学習できる Moodle サイトを構築することで授業のデジタル化を実践し、2020年から新型コロナ禍を経て、非接触化かつ遠隔化された大学教育が必要とされ、直近では生成 AIの活用が探究されている状況である。本講演では大学教育の「デジタライゼーション(Digitalization)」に対する筆者らの研究活動を紹介する。
第1に、2019年に MAJ の開発と研究に研究題目『S-P表プラグイン開発と実践』が採択され、Moot2020 に「S-P曲線」を生成するプラグインを発表した。その継続成果となる「注意係数」×「評点」の散布図生成を紹介する。
第2に、高度な(2次元)数式を Web ページに記載させて数学概念を伝達し、数値および関数をランダム化し、かつ自動採点させた Web...
We present a system to administer proctored examinations, using a dedicated Moodle instance exclusively for exam-taking purposes, also known as the Exam Portal. In contrast to the university’s primary Moodle instance that is intended for course-level activities, the Exam Portal also accommodates exams not explicitly linked to courses such as admission tests and program-specific comprehensive...
MoodleとJupyter環境とを,フロントエンドのJavaScriptのみを用いて簡易連携させる手法について報告する。Jupyter環境がMoodleとは別のサイト等にある場合,サーバ管理者によってCORS(クロスオリジン間リソース共有)が適切に許可されない限り,フロントエンドのみによる連携は制限される。しかし,本手法ではWeb Messaging...
Amidst extraordinary uncertainty, Eduversity is helping higher education leaders build resilience, seize opportunities for growth, and discover new ways to differentiate their institutions. Colleges and universities are facing declining enrollment, financial instability, and prolonged
educational disruptions.
The changing nature of the higher education industry demands a strategy that is...
Team-Based Learning (TBL) is a prominent educational strategy, particularly in medical universities, designed to assess individual and collaborative student performance. This method is strategically embedded into courses, occurring at specific intervals, such as Week 4 and Week 8. Two key concepts within TBL, Individual Rate (IR) and Group Rate (GR), form the basis for evaluating individual...
Tulad is a Moodle block plugin designed to enhance cheat detection in the context of online forums. This standalone plugin serves as a valuable resource for both users and administrators by offering a user-friendly dashboard for forum content analysis. Tulad efficiently scrapes the forum database, presenting the collected data in an organized table with additional columns, including a button...
教材は、フリーなオープンソースシステムのH5Pを用いて制作し、Moodle LMSおよびCMSであるWordPress上での配信を行った。教材のテーマは、「教科・時計・文房具・持ち物・行事・体の部位」などの言葉をクイズで学習するものや、「あいさつ・一日の生活のながれ」などを考えるもの、絵合わせゲームを通して言葉や時計の読みなどを学ぶものとした。プレスクールに参加する園児やその保護者、支援スタッフらから教材の使用感などについてヒアリングを行った。
Groups, consortia, and association around the world have been invited to self-organize and join a global Product Advisory Group and contribute to a community funding system. Marie Achour will summarize plans for this community replacement of the Moodle Users Association. In addition, Don Hinkelman will report on how a German-speaking PAG in Austria has been operating for over five...
A notable challenge associated with using Moodle at an educational institution is onboarding students and faculty. While the Moodle organization is continuously working to improve both the interface and the functionality of Moodle, it still often poses significant difficulties for people who are not familiar with it. With this in mind, the presenters endeavored to create a multilingual user...
キーワード:Moodleの活用, オープンバッジ, マイクロクレデンシャル, 学習歴の可視化
Join us for an insightful presentation on the Moodle Product Vision, the compass that will guide the development and evolution of Moodle for the years to come. With a steadfast commitment to Harnessing Creativity, Facilitating Collaboration, and Optimising Outcomes, this vision paves the way for an exciting and transformative future for our platform. We will delve into the Moodle Product...
キーワード:Moodleの活用, オープンバッジ, マイクロクレデンシャル, 学習歴の可視化
Marcus Green has been working with Moodle since 2003 and authored two of the most popular Quiz Question types--Gapfill and Wordselect. He will give an overview of the main custom quiz related plugins for Moodle, particularly for language education and make a comparison of H5P activity types with Moodle activities. He will cover quizzing with multimedia and how to evaluate the sustainability of...
Each year awards will be made for the best developments related to Moodle by members of MAJ. These might be the development of a new module or block, or even a suggested patch to the current code which adds greater...
This presentation delineates the strategic integration of vocabulary learning principles within a Moodle-based course for Japanese university EFL learners, leveraging Moodle's distinctive features to enhance educational outcomes. Vocabulary frequency analysis serves as the cornerstone, guiding the selection of essential words to maximize relevance and utility. The course is structured around...
MoodleNet has faced a number a false starts and dead ends over the years. A working "model" MoodleNet site has been running since 2021, but it has lacked the federation features that have been touted. In summer 2023, a new version of MoodleNet, dubbed MoodleNet3 was released that allows for easy installation and customization. This presentation will introduce MAJ's new MoodleNet installation...
MoodleBox is a palm-sized, self-contained Moodle server based on Raspberry Pi hardware, costing under ten thousand yen. It is ideal for an intranet application in small remote schools in developing nations across Asia. Marcus Green has collaborated with the developer, Nicola in Zurich, and will update the Moodle community on the latest Pi 5 edition of MoodleBox. Discussion is continuing here: ...
This presentation highlights how the database module has been used to promote student self-awareness of course progress and facilitate student-teacher consultations. The relatively simple database activity links both to the gradebook and to outside activities for students to review and input their scores, evaluate their efforts, and consider any questions they may have for the teacher. Within...
Moodleに埋め込まれた動的幾何ソフトウェアのコンテンツに対し,JavaScriptにより学習者の学習状況ログを取得する手法について報告する。動的幾何ソフトとしては,GeoGebraとCinderellaを例として使用した。学習状況ログとしては,マウス(タッチ)によるコンテンツ操作の時刻や座標,変数値等を取得した。取得したデータはコンテンツ操作の終了時に,Moodleコース内にあらかじめ用意したデータベース・モジュール内へと自動的に保存される実装とした。本実装には斉藤 (2023) を援用した。結果として,本研究の手法を用いることで,管理者権限やプラグイン等を要することなく,動的幾何コンテンツに対するラーニングアナリティクスが可能であることが明らかとなった。これによりコンテンツ改善のための情報が得られるだけでなく,成績等の他の学習データからは得られない学習評価への活用が期待される。
This presentation will explore how the H5P module and LUMI Application work together to make interactive activities. The speaker has used these tools for two years and will talk openly about what went well, what didn't, and the problems faced while using different activities. This firsthand experience will help you understand these platforms better, including what they're good at and where...
AI generated characters and images for student gaming in SDG is being used in Moodle environment by a World Bank project called, "Evoke". Evoke is an award-winning educational experience that uses project-based learning, game mechanics, graphic novel content and storytelling designed to engage young people and inspire them to solve global challenges while developing 21st Century skills. In...