Dec 4 – 8, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

The direct detection of gravitational waves has opened a new window of observation for phenomena in which gravity, instead of light, is the messenger. The goal of the Ultra-High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (UHF-GW) initiative is to promote scientific progress in a new area of research, gravitational waves at ultra-high-frequency, both from theoretical and experimental points of view. The ultra-high-frequency band (above 10 kHz) is particularly important and interesting because gravitational wave detection in this range would give us important insights about the very early Universe and particle physics at energy scales that cannot be probed with colliders in the foreseeable future.

This workshop, hosted by CERN TH and the CERN-Korea Theory Collaboration, is the third in a series of workshops organized by the UHF-GW initiative, aiming at addressing theoretical open questions about the nature of ultra-high-frequency gravitational wave sources and at stimulating the technological progress that is necessary to detect gravitational waves in this frequency range. This workshop will be focussed on assessing various new detector concepts that have been proposed recently, discussing progress and challenges in implementing high frequency GW detectors as well as on discussing recent progress in the understanding of some UHF-GW sources.

This workshop will feature a small number of longer talks on different aspects of UHF GW detection, as well as plenary sessions of short contributed talks and topical discussion sessions. In addition, there will be ample time for informal discussions and work on collaborative projects. We encourage submissions for short contributed talks on all aspects of UHF GWs by September 15th.

Previous editions of this series where held in Trieste (2019) and online (2021), leading to a Living Review on UHF GWs.

This workshop is partially funded by the CERN-Korea Theory Collaboration and by the UKRI/EPSRC Stephen Hawking fellowship, grant reference EP/T017279/1.

Organizers: Nancy Aggarwal (Northwestern University), Mike Cruise (University of Birmingham), Valerie Domcke (CERN),  Sunghoon Jung (Seoul National University), Joachim Kopp (CERN/ Mainz U.), Francesco Muia (University of Cambridge), Fernando Quevedo (University of Cambridge), Andreas Ringwald (DESY).

Invited speakers:

Aldo Ejlli (Cardiff U.)
Sebastian Ellis (Geneva U.)
Gabriele Franciolini (Rome U.)
Elina Fuchs (Hannover U., Braunschweig U.)
Camilo Garcia-Cely (Valencia U.)
Andrew Geraci (Northwestern U.)
Bianca Giacconi (Fermilab)
Gianluca Gregori (Oxford U.)
Axel Lindner (DESY)
Tao Liu (Hong Kong U.)
Kaliroe Pappas (MIT)
Krisztian Peters (DESY)
Mikel Sanchez-Garitaonandia (Barcelona U.)
Jacob Sprague (Northwestern U.)
Tommaso Tabarelli (Milano Bicocca U.)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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