Jun 22 – 23, 2023
IJCLab Orsay
Europe/Zurich timezone

The muon collider will execute an excellent colliding beam physics programme. In addition, it will provide a set of beams which can enable a unique physics programme beyond collider physics.
Already the implementation path will offer early options for different beams, for example at the demonstrator, and technologies developed for the collider can enable other experiments or benefit ongoing ones.

In this workshop these additional physics opportunities and synergies with other physics programmes will be explored. In particular we will investigate:

- The use of the full facility for non-collider physics. It offers:

◦ A proton driver facility that will produce a multi-MW beam.

◦ A muon beam will have initial energies around 100s MeV, having 10^13 muons per second with an energy spread of 10-20 MeV and a pulse length of just 100 ps. The beam will be accelerated to the multi-TeV energy scale.

◦ Decay products of the muons in the collider ring, which will include a narrow and high energy beam comprising electron- and muon-neutrinos. 

- The use of the demonstrator facility, comprising a pion production target fed by a high intensity proton accelerator complex and a muon cooling line. The potential to use and expand the demonstrator facility for physics experiments should be addressed by considering:

◦ Available options to house such a facility.

◦ A facility at CERN that could offer a proton beam in the 100 kW range and could potentially be upgraded; and a high-intensity and pure muon beam with an energy around 200 MeV; creation of beams at other energies may also be possible by means of a switchyard dipole near to the target

- The existing or planned infrastructures that could be used to support development and tests of equipment and beams relevant for the muon collider.

- The synergies of the technology development programmes with other physics programmes.






IJCLab Orsay
Pierre Lehmann Auditorium - Bat. 200
Registration for this event is currently open.