22–23 Jun 2023
IJCLab Orsay
Europe/Zurich timezone

Useful Information

1. Registration Desk

The registration desk will be located in IJCLab Building 200, in front of Pierre Lehmann Auditorium, from 1 PM to 2 PM on Thursday 22nd June 2023. 

For info, the building is located in Rue Ampère – BP 34 – 91898 Orsay cedex – France.

Please come as early as possible. If you are arriving later, please inform us.

Please note that people who already registered for the IMCC Annual Meeting 2023 don't need to pass by the registration desk.


2. Meeting room and Zoom link

All sessions will take place in Pierre Lehmann Auditorium, which is located in IJCLab Building 200.

Zoom links will be sent to all registered participants to be able to connect remotely.

If some of your colleagues have not registered for the event and wish to access the sessions, please ask them to register on Indico (Late Zoom Registration) : https://indico.cern.ch/event/1260921/registrations/ 


3. WiFi Connection

For the WiFi connection at IJCLab, there are 2 possible options

  1. Standard connection to the network "Eduroam"
  2. Connection via the network "IJClab-Public"
    • A web page will open
    • Click on "Recevez vos identifiants par email" / "Receive your credentials by Email"
    • Enter Surname/ Name / email then click on "S'enregistrer" / "Register"
    • You will receive a confirmation email "Your account WiFi -LAL Visitor" with your login and password to enter on the web page "IJClab-Public"


4.  Group Picture – Thursday 22 June 2023

A picture of all participants will be taken during the first coffee break on  22nd June 2023 at 4 PM in building 200.


5.  Social Dinner - Thursday 22nd June 2023 - Le Gramophone (Orsay Ville)

The Muon Collider Synergies Workshop social dinner will take place on Thursday 22nd June 2023 at the restaurant Le Gramophone (27 Bd Dubreuil, 94100 Orsay)

The dinner will start at 7 PM. Please arrive at the restaurant on time.

Please ensure that you have duly paid. Please note that no further reimbursement will be made.


6.  Contacts


MUON Collider Secretariat:



In case of strict emergency, you can also contact:

Michela Lancellotti: + 41 75 411 87 46