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Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US)), Maria Arsuaga Rios (CERN), Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting (twiki)

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      Tape REST access
      Speaker: Mihai PATRASCOIU (CERN)
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      Transfers with tokens
      Speaker: Francesco Giacomini (INFN CNAF)

      Progress with recommended storage configuration for X.509 + tokens

      • CMS started with SAM tests using tokens (found by reading dCache-support#10437)
        • yes, started to commission EOS with tokens
        • XRootD sites are next, followed by dCache and StoRM
        • issues with tokens stored in a file with newline character(s)
          • not stripped by our clients (gfal2, xrd, ...) and break HTTP request headers
          • this may be very common mistake
            • CMS prefers if clients gets more "clever" and always strip newline from passed token content
            • client could also just report reasonable error message
      • ideas how to use tokens for user / group storage areas
        • scopes - default vs. restricted vs. normal
          • CMS still rely on restricted storage.*:/ scopes + scope policies
        • discussion about client_credentials
          • currently any user can configure this grant type for a client
          • this grant type should be configurable only by IAM Admin (similarly to the token exchange grant type)
            • it may be "dangerous" to let random user create registration with client_credentials grant type
            • limited protection in OAuth for this grant type
        • IAM user can register arbitrary undefined scopes iam/issue#546
          • allows application developers to test their code with new scopes
          • IAM should always use some prefix for these user defined scopes, e.g. test:my_scope
      • storage issuer basepath set to "" makes easier to understand which URL path can be accessed with given storage claim path restriction
        • URL Misplaced &PATH would be same
        • e.g. -> reorganize namespace ->
          • basepath /atlas is stored in SE configuration for ATLAS issuer - make it completely hidden from clients
          • otherwise "user" needs to know what's stripped from URL and where storage.*:$PATH applies
          • simplify - everything starts with "/"
          • easily configurable with dCache rootdir for mapped issuer identity
            • already used by some sites - same URL points to the different part of namespace for different identities (VOs)
        • full path would be still required for open access in case we would like to publish some data anonymously
        • CMS namespace can't be reorganized this way for shared TAPE & DISK endpoint
          • OPTIONAL - start VO namespace directly in "/"
          • low priority
        • complexity with possible different URL vs. storage.* path is hidden by tools like Rucio
          • changing namespace to start in "/" for each VO most probably not generally worth of effort
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      Packet marking
      Speakers: Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
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      WebDAV Error Message Improvement Project & unified error message format

      Discuss with experts improvements in the error messages produced by failed transfers.

      Speaker: Stephan Lammel (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
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