28 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
Old Mensa
Europe/Monaco timezone

New limits on WR from meson decays.

28 Aug 2023, 11:30


We revisit the left-right symmetric model and explore the hybrid regime where type-I and type-II seesaw mechanisms are equally responsible for the light neutrino masses. Barring only very specific choices of parameters we expect sizable lepton flavor violation and electron dipole moment in this region. We use results from recent neutrino oscillation fits, bounds on neutrinoless double beta decay, $\mu \to e \gamma$, $\mu \to 3e$, $\mu \to e$ conversion in nuclei, the muon anomalous magnetic moment, the electron electric dipole moment and cosmology to determine the viability of this region. We derive stringent limits on the heavy neutrino masses and mixing angles as well explore the implications for the new gauge boson mass.


Gustavo Figueiredo Severiano Alves (University Of Sao Paulo)

Presentation materials