Collect metadata field from the HTTP TPC command
- We decided to separate this work into 3 separate topics, which can be seen in the issue. They can be split into separate issues, so that multiple people work on it.
- We need to discuss how the metadata is going to be sent from EOS to CTA. Should we pass it as a single json string, or multiple protobuf fields? If we pass as json, should we modify the original object, or pass it transparently?
Reduce the number of queues fetched in fetchMountInfo
- Created new ticket with fresh description. Not assigned to anyone for now.
The RAO list contains duplicate entries of files to retrieve
- Issue identified by Jacek, when CTA is used together with dCache:
- He noticed that the RAO list has duplicated retrieve jobs on the same file.
- At CERN we are protected from this because request duplication is managed by EOS. dCache does not have the same protection.
- Michael will investigate what can be done on the objectstore/RAO side to remove duplicates.