18–22 Sept 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Multi-tenancy HTCondor for the European Weather Cloud

21 Sept 2023, 13:45
Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

Auditorium Joliot Curie


Building 100 15 rue Georges Clémenceau 91400 Orsay Fance
HTCondor user presentations HTCondor User Presentations


Francesco Murdaca (EUMETSAT)


The European Weather Cloud (EWC) is the cloud-based collaboration platform for meteorological application development and operations in Europe and enables the digital transformation of the European Meteorological Infrastructure. Among the services to be provided to the meteorological community, batch processing has been requested for several type of analysis using satellite data. HTCondor has been selected as the batch system for data processing and it will be provided to the users through the EWC. In this talk you will discover what is EWC and how HTCondor was customized to work in the EWC in order to facilitate utilization/share of resources across multi-tenancies and to run jobs through HTCondor. In particular, you will see how we allow users to easily join the common pool of resources that can be used by the community, how nodes are automatically deployed, how we preserve the ability to access internal networks of different tenancies via VPN, how users can rely on multi tenancies resources, running jobs securely and with close to the data.

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